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Symptoms come and go

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:36 am
by Ashley2486
Do pudendal nerve issues come and go? I'm so confused. I have been going to a physical therapist and I was starting to feel better. Over the weekend of 4th of July, I was going to the bathroom pretty normal... More normal than I have in a while. Now all of the sudden I am having weird urine retention feeling and not being able to have a solid bowel movement. How can I be fine one day and then have issues the next? Is this something that is consistent or does it come and go? I'm almost wondering if I should get checked for an infection. I have been dealing with the retention for over a week now. Nothing is making it better. This is hopeless. I felt like the physical therapy was getting better. I hate this stupid problem more than anything! I feel like I can't even live a normal life. This is the dumbest thing ever and I'm so mad it happened....

Re: Symptoms come and go

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 3:38 am
by wannagetbetter
Please keep me posted. I have urine retention too and would like to understand it more.

Re: Symptoms come and go

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:55 am
by Violet M
Yes, symptoms can come and go. Warm water might help your muscles relax so you can go. You could try a sitz bath or try going in the shower which would be a better choice if you do have an infection.
