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How to change my own password ?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:41 pm
by lexie
Hello Lexie here,

I was given a password but when I type it in it does not work. if i cut and paste it form my e-mail it works fine so i am not able to figure out if the letters are correct or are recognised as a one or an i or and capital L,
its frustrating and can someone tell me how can i make my own password please where do i go todo this or are you allowed to make up your own password. Gosh do i feel stupid right now.

Re: How to change my own password ?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:03 pm
by Rosemary
Hi Lexie
While you are logged in go to 'User Control Panel' in light blue above here below 'Board index'- click on it.
Then click on the 'Profile' heading - then choose 'Edit Account Settings' - this brings up an opportunity to change your password but you do still need to put in the old one to do so - but sounds like you will have this on your 'copy' button anyway.
Hope my memory serves me right and that this is correct - sure it is what i did at one point.
Take care
Rosemary x