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My first PT appt.
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:10 pm
by KC17
My right leg was longer than my left, sit bones were outta whack, and I have what she called posterior sacral torsion (if my memory serves me well because I had no idea what she was talking about).
Also a thickened and sensitive levator ani, a painful tight piriformis, and yowza some serious restrictions around my alcocks canal area--nearly flew off the table.
OH and vaginismus, but I already new that.
Re: My first PT appt.
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:15 pm
by Lernica
I've been told I have a painful tight piriformis too, and we're loosening it up with stretches, manual massage, and self-massage with a small hard rubber ball. I've had about five PT sessions now, and I can feel a difference. The pelvis seems to be loosening up, and walking is becoming less painful. I am doing one-hour PT sessions weekly.
Best of luck with your PT, KC!
Re: My first PT appt.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:31 am
by KC17
That's great to hear Lernica and very encouraging! I'm glad you are having some success with PT and I wish you continued improvement!
Re: My first PT appt.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:36 pm
by Karyn
Best wishes with the PT, Krista! Did you like your therapist? Sounds like you've got a lot going on.
I'm glad to hear things are feeling less tight for you, Lernica!
Warm regards,
Re: My first PT appt.
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:48 pm
by Faith
KC17 wrote:I have what she called posterior sacral torsion
Did you also have Sacroiliac joint dysfunction? (one hip higher than the other. I'm sure if you have one leg longer than the other you do) These two often go together. Sacral torsion means your sacrum is rotated some and bent to one side. Do you by chance have scoliosis? I supposedly had SIJD and sacral torsion, but I went to a reputable physiatrist who specializes in pelvic pain and she felt like some of these biomechanical issues were really just optical illusions so to speak because of my scoliosis and anteverted hips. I underwent SIJD manipulations and muscle energy balancing but these have only made my symtpoms worse. I also had an SI joint injection, but it didn't help my pain. Be careful if they put you in positions that stretch your pudendal nerve because it can increase your pain if you have PN. The piriformis is tight because your muscles are guarding due to the pain and because it is probably having to work harder due to the biomechanical issues.
I hope PT helps you!
Re: My first PT appt.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:23 am
by KC17
Karyn wrote:Did you like your therapist?
Karyn I loved her! She seemed knowledgeable and very encouraging. She also seemed determined to help which is more than I can say for my last PT! Good luck with your upcoming surgery by the way. I hope it is the answer you have been looking for and I will be thinking of you
Faith wrote:Did you also have Sacroiliac joint dysfunction? (one hip higher than the other. I'm sure if you have one leg longer than the other you do) These two often go together. Sacral torsion means your sacrum is rotated some and bent to one side. Do you by chance have scoliosis?
I honestly have no idea if I have SIJD, I mean maybe. I do not have scoliosis though. I'm hoping she can address the issue more at my next appointment.
Warm Regards,
Re: My first PT appt.
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:19 pm
by KC17
Serious pushing on the labia majora today in an attempt to loosen up the tissue surrounding the dorsal nerves today.
I can't believe how hard she pushed and pulled on my nerves. I'm guessing I'm going to be in some serious clitoral pain later....
Are we sure that PT is recommend?
Pain tonight is 9/10. Now includes my right side as well. I feel permanently damaged and I don't want to live like this
Re: My first PT appt.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:39 am
by Violet M
Krista, did you ever recover from your PT session? Sounds a little extreme to me. I was chicken when it came to PT making you worse before you get better but maybe that's because I always felt like my PNE symptoms were a result of irritation to the nerve from exercise and I couldn't see how irritating the nerve more could help.
Re: My first PT appt.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:55 am
by KC17
I think it's been about 2 weeks since I reported that terrible flare and while things have died down a bit, the pain levels still are higher than they were prior to that appointment and I've still got some right sided pain lingering. I've also had another PT session since then where I spoke to her about the pain and she took it much easier on me (for which I'm so thankful!).
Right now I'm sort of playing it by ear, because I'm hoping that my pain has a huge muscular component that I can address without surgery (but of course don't we all!). I'm giving her 5 more sessions, if I see no improvement I'm done.
Re: My first PT appt.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:59 am
by Violet M
Sounds like a reasonable plan, Krista. Good luck.