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Re: Visiting the hair salon
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:25 am
by Violet M
Hi Srinmav, long time no see are you?
Re: Visiting the hair salon
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:30 pm
by carolynm
I'm 40 years old and have been coloring mine since my early 20's. I'm thinking about letting it go grey. My husband says he won't mind. Not sure how I feel about it yet. I"ve also tried to straighten it for just as long. Love the CHI straightening iron! And yes, my hair is overprocessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Visiting the hair salon
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:22 pm
by Lernica
It took some convincing, but recently I've talked my hair colorist and hair stylist into doing my hair WHILE I LIE DOWN ON THE SOFA IN THE WAITING AREA WITH MY HEAD PROPPED UP ON THE ARM! Can you believe it? Because the height of the sofa is so low they both have to sit on a stool rather than stand while they're doing my hair. So far (after two visits), it seems to be working okay, except the styling is not as good as it used to be since the stylist's perspective of the head is quite different. (I have quite a short bob.)* It'll take some trial and error before the stylist is used to it, I think.
I have to schedule my appointments at very slow times to accommodate the salon, e.g. 10:00 a.m. on a Tuesday. Also, the coloring and the cutting are done at separate visits.
I am hanging on to the last vestiges of my fading beauty for as long as I can, PN be damned!
(* The first cut was a bit of a butcher job, to be frank. My husband joked to my kids after my last haircut: "Now you have TWO daddies!")
Re: Visiting the hair salon
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:45 pm
by helenlegs 11
I recently cut my own hair. I have never done it before, well my fringe (bangs?? not sure) and made that wonky. As soon as I had done the first scissor slice I thought, 'What on earth are you doing!!' as at least two inches of my hair dropped to the floor. . . and do you know. . . it turned out wonderful. Ok, it's just a straight bob (was layered, which was silly as my hair is far too fine) I have let the grey grow too but now there is no sunshine (much) here to lighten the rest, I will have to re think that one.
Re: Visiting the hair salon
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:17 pm
by srinmav
Violet M wrote:Hi Srinmav, long time no see are you?
Somewhat ok. I am "normal" in the sense that I am still working from home. I can sit for a few hours a day at this time, though from time to time, this duration is compromised. There is apparently nothing that can be done, and barring a miracle, I have to live with this all my life, and hopefully it will not get worse. My auto immune disease is under control at this time, so doing fairly ok at the moment for my condition.
Re: Visiting the hair salon
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:43 am
by zinnia
It depends on the chair. If its plastic and no padding I cant sit. If its really padded and soft and large and I get to lay on my left side with feet and legs up in the chair then it works, usually but i'm in pain but usually can tolerate it because haidresser is fast and her chair helps.I also take meds 30-45 min or so before I go into see her. Ianother method I try is to lay on my left side as the pain is worse on right side.I put all the wieght of my body on my left thigh and try to keep my head and upper body uprigtht and straight .The hairdresser has to remind me to keep my head up right and straight as its difficult to lay on my left thigh and keep upper body straight.I twist at my waist.I can only do this for a short time but long enough to have hair cut but pain does get worse.Sometimes really bad. But hair dresser is usually fast because I have short hair and shes fast. I keep hair short as its easier to deal with this way.I cant wash hair like I used to before PNE. I wash it rarely but its dry now so this helps.Its too painful for me to wash myself. A different way and I will ask her first if I can let my feet and legs up off the floor and lay on my left side with feet,legs,to my right side and I lay on left side with no contact at all on my buttocks, groin area. I'm laying on my left leg on the seat with my knees bent and legs and feet off the floor and on the chair.The pain is worse on in middle and right side so this helps a lot. I have to squirm a bit at times and reposition myself because of the pain but it helps to lessen the pain compared to other methods I'ved tried. But I always ask the hairdresser first if its ok. I explain the PNE and she's ok with it and lets me do what I need to do which is a tremendous blessing because not everyone is understanding when it comes to Pn or PNE at least not with me.
Re: Visiting the hair salon
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:04 am
by Violet M
Hi Zinnia, I see this is your first post and would like to welcome you. We would be interested to hear your story in the welcome section if you would like to tell it.
Re: Visiting the hair salon
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:28 am
by NarelleJane
Oh dear. I'm sitting here with hair colour on as I type. This way I can lay, get up and down as I need. Last time I went to the hair dressers I had to have the have an ambulance called, how embarrassing, as I could not stand up out of the chair even after I had self administered extra valium and morphine. They were fantastic!! The magic 'green whistle' came first then two injections of morphine and I was on my way to the hospital. Message in the story, I know colour my hair at home and have long hair, but its worth it. I'm disappointed and sad my grandmother has passed for many reasons but on the humorous side she said as we were growing up that if any of us grew up to be hairdressers she would pay for us to go on a cruise..
..... Maybe I should shout my self with the money I now save on not going to the haridressers. Always trying to find a positive
Health & Happiness
Re: Visiting the hair salon
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:35 pm
by Hetty
My local hairdresser very kindly stands on a box behind me so I can stay standing ! I find if you just ask it's amazing how kind and helpful people will be : )