GregT wrote:You maybe need to look up the definition of the word "taunt", Karyn. I asked that question (and it is a little bit hard to taunt someone by asking a question, don't you think??) because they removed a statement similar to the one I made above only a few days ago. I've begun to wonder if this website would allow any positive statements about the Houston team or the traditional trans-gluteal surgical approach.
It was only natural for me to wonder if they would delete this positive comment about the Houston team too.
Greg, please. You're not merely asking an innocent question. You've got something going with ONE member of this forum. Your question about this site allowing positive statements about the Houston team or traditional TG could've very easily been answered if you read more of our site.
What's going on on
I know that many of you spend time over there, but I just want to point out some stuff that they're doing.
I made a post that was a positive post about the Houston team. They yanked it down and are deciding what to do with it. All I said was that the most cures that I knew of came from Houston.
Also, when I questioned Ali about the dreaded ligament topic (Ali tries to frighten everyone against having their ligaments cut, and he's also referred to how some other patients in France called Professor Robert "the butcher" for doing this), they take down my posts where I've refuted his statements (which are a combination of lies and great exaggerations). They do it under the guise that "we don't want arguments on our website", but I believe they've got some people over there who have their minds made up about the doctors, and it strongly influences what is and is not allowed on their website.
The only thing that I've ever taken down on this website was Ali's comment about Professor Robert, who has selflessly taught his TG surgery to probably 20-30 doctors around the world. This is the same doctor who did all of our surgeries in France at no benefit to himself. While we paid the hospital a paltry sum of money for the 2 days of being in the hospital, Professor Robert got nothing. The doctors who did the testing got around $350 each. The "butcher", again, got nothing. He continues to respond to my emails when I send him ones. He's as sweet and humble as people come, especially considering what all he has accomplished in this world.
Now, regarding me and my comments about Dr. Hibner, you all know that I've always spoken well about him, about his innovations which I hope(d) will bring about better surgical results. You know that when I saw him that I said "he's as nice as they all say", and how he went out of his way to get me an MRI while I was in Phoenix, the same thing that Dr. Potter is doing in New York, supposedly. The only negative thing I've ever said about Dr. Hibner is when others (yes, mainly Ali) have tried to exaggerate of over-inflate the results or successes of his surgery. I've taken a wait and see approach to his patients. He's quoted as having roughly the same surgical results as the Houston and Nantes team of doctors. He told me the same thing when I saw him in January.
So, you all who go to "hope" just be a little bit careful and wary of the slant that this group of moderators use when they decide what kind of posts to allow, who they seem to let run amuck with careless, reckless and false statements.
Yes, I will say that Celeste, who is on this and "hope" will defend the traditional TG surgery very fiercely. But, she's also about the only person still on the forums who is completely cured, and that cure just happened to be from the traditional TG surgery. Who could really blame her, and who could blame her for getting angry when others belittle and degrade the very surgery that cured her and changed her life forever?
I still recognize that the percentage of the people I know who got better just isn't high enough. My hope is that the population that I'm looking at are composed of those whose condition just went on for too long, causing permanent nerve damage. The perfect surgery wouldn't come close to curing them.
I just like to keep an open mind, allow spirited and even heated debates and for people to just be honest without any agendas, and I detest the idea that "hope" likes to quash any semblance of people disagreeing.
Had PN surgery in France in Dec, 2001. Sitting is a bit better, but I still have muscular pain in much of the pelvic area. Never had pain on one side or the other, just in the middle.
Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:10 pm
Re: What's going on on
I just made a post on "hope" in the surgery section stating that I believe that the most cures are coming from the Houston team, that I believed in the idea of having a group of doctors doing the diagnostics, and that I believe in the idea of having a neurosurgeon do the surgery.
Then I asked them if they were going to delete this post.
Y'all keep an eye on it and let's see what happens. It'll be interesting.
This has nothing to do with "who's the best", but more so whether or not "hope" will allow people to speak positively about the Houston team of doctors.
Had PN surgery in France in Dec, 2001. Sitting is a bit better, but I still have muscular pain in much of the pelvic area. Never had pain on one side or the other, just in the middle.
Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:01 pm
HOPEfully, your question has been answered.