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Genitofemoral nerve neuralgia questions
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:43 pm
by hello45
Hello, I am hoping someone can kndly help me. My son is suffering from Genitofemoral nerve neuralgia with compression feeling, stinging buring pain and its very dibiitating. Its been 5 long years and recently he felt better for about 6 months. It was a Blessing and very thankful for some relief. But the pain just all came back again last week and it progressing pelvic pain, genital pain, inner thigh pain , hip pain , all those areas. Very hard to sit and needs to stand due to compresion on pelvis. Can you please let me know since it may be nerve entrapment is there anything posisble to try to help this ? Not sure if it takes tiem to heal or if there is somthing to help release nreve entrapement.
Its been a lot of doctors, hospitals , and we thought it was getting better...but now so worried all over again.
Any help and advice would be very apprecaited. Thanks so much
Re: Genitofemoral nerve neuralgia questions
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:10 am
by sadie
I not sure this will help n i am not a healthcare provider however I did have and do have issues with the genitofemoral area. I wondered why your son had a six-month window of releaf. Has your son seen a physical therapist who is specially trained in diagnosing pudendal nerve and pelvic issues. Where do you live. Do you know what caused his initial symptoms. Is he currently taking any medications like amitriptyline to stop the signals from going to his brain. I found that worked for me for four years before it ended up causing dystonia. Even though he may not suffer from depression, antidepressants can sometimes stop the signals from going to the brain. I am currently on Lexapro and could not live without it. For immediate relief he may want to put a flat ice pack under his tailbone and one on the genitofemoral area and lay down. As for his burning, I had acid like burning in my vagina and was given a prescription for compounded 10% lidocaine which was a lifesaver. If you let us know more about the situation maybe I or someone else can help.
Meanwhile you may want to try some sort of OTC pain patches like over the counter Lidocaine patches. I am so sorry that you both are dealing with this.
Take care Sadie