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New left side stinging pain after bilateral decompression

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 12:17 am
by Pleasehelpmegod
So i did bilateral pudendal decompression surgery with dr. Conway on oct 10th 2019 and iv been getting left side new stinging and hypersensitivity since the recovery room. When i sit the left side pinch is even stronger than my right side, which was the most painful side pre op. Im pretty afraid that this is a new permanent pain that iv got from the surgery. Dr. Conway said that there was no nerve damage to the pudendal nerve during the surgery. I'm pretty worried about this new stinging pain. Its been about 4 months now.

Re: New left side stinging pain after bilateral decompressio

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:14 am
by sadie
Are you on any medications which can help with the pain like Lexapro or Lyrica. Sometimes a combination of the both can help. Being sedentary can also help. After you get your meds stabilized is there any way you can bite the bullet and give yourself at least a year and then reassess things with Doctor Conway . sometimes the dance is two steps forward one back and maybe that's all that is going on here. I hope things get better for you Sadie