1st post-does this sound like PN???
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:42 pm
Hello all
50 yr old female, suffering for 10 yrs now with episodic PGAD (self-diagnosed) and chronic unilateral (left-side) pain in these areas: pelvic, vaginal, labial, groin, clitoral, and inner thigh. All my symptoms including the PGAD occur on the left side only, while the right side of my clitoris is oddly almost completely numb. ????
Symptoms: Soreness and swelling inside my vagina in the area which seems to be the ischial spine. Also, throbbing, tugging, pulsating, and maddening tickling sensations like someone is plucking a guitar string on a nerve or ligament deep inside the left front wall of my vagina and the reverberations send the aching and pulsating to my inner thigh, labia, clitoris. The tingling and pulsating can reverberate thru my entire left side, with even my lips and gums and left foot being affected. Swelling like fluid retention in the left mons pubis and labia Majora and a distinct and painful sensation that my clitoris and vulva are being pulled inside of me from the inside n
The pain and sensations are maddening, sickening, and cause me extreme anxiety when the flare ups are bad. I have all the crazy-making symptoms of PGAD.
All of the pain and sensations are always in the exact same places, always all occur at the same time, and are pretty much always there the only thing that changes is the intensity. I can always sense where it is even if not flaring badly. I could draw a map of the pain, it is always exactly in the same place. It’s a sensation like a tight band that connects on one end to left labia Majora and clitoris and the other end deep inside my vaginal wall. Most days it’s an annoyance but when it gets triggered and flares I am essentially bedridden for hours or days. Flare ups happen at least 3 times per month and last 8 hrs to several days at a time.
The flares come on spontaneously unprovoked as well as provoked (stress, pressure or even light touch to the pubic, suprapubic and groin area, orgasm, sex without orgasm, and even when just thinking that sex with might be imminent can trigger a flare Intercourse itself is uncomfortable but not painful , but orgasm really sets things off. Orgasm is possible but so difficult now and scary because of all the weird pain sensations that follow and of course the PGAD...OMG the PGAD. oh yeah, one more thing, after orgasm I feel kinda numb in my left cheek for a few minutes (facial cheek that is ) and it feels like it is all tied in with the left sided pelvic symptoms.
I have urinary frequency, but also have trouble with hesitation and minor retention , because when things get bad my pelvic floor tenses up like a vice grip.
I have no burning.
I have constipation but no apparent intestinal, anal or rectal pain. No pain with bowel movements , nor do my flare ups seem to be tied to times when I am “backed up” Symptoms are unchanged whether I sit, walk, or stand. Sitting is no more painful than walking or standing. Walking doesn’t trigger a flare but walking doesn’t seem to help and may hurt once it is flaring. Lying down does not relieve the symptoms. I just go to bed if I can til the flare passes because I am so out of sorts from the pain and other weird sensations. Sometimes it makes me nauseous.It was so bad one night in the middle of the night years ago that I went to the ER and they gave me a CT scan and morphine. It didn’t help at all.
What’s been ruled out: endometriosis, vulvar vestibulitis and other skin issues, interstitial cystitis, fibroids, and hormone issues, and Maybe ruled some out other things that I don’t remember right now. Colonoscopy, vaginal ultrasound , pelvic / abdominal Ultrasounds and MRI and CT all negative for whatever they were looking for. I don’t think they were looking for PN.
So far my gynecologist has not taken the lead on figuring out what’s going on even after all these years. Per my own research we’ve just been treating as if it is pelvic floor dysfunction spasms but I’ve long suspected that something else is going on. Hernia ? PN? No idea. Doctor has no ideas.
Treatments I take are the usual PFD stuff: muscle relaxer, Tylenol with codeine, ibuprofen, Naproxen,lidocaine patches, stretching , relaxation, heating pad, cold packs, and vaginal suppositories compounded with Valium, baclofen, and lidocaine. But none of those things give me any relief really so I rarely use them. The most I can usually hope for is that the muscle relaxer puts me to sleep for the night and that I awake in the morning with less pain.
Any thoughts or input on my situation are most appreciated thank you!
PS Just found out today that there is At last a pelvic floor doctor and therapist in my area. So I am scheduled to see her next week for pelvic floor assessment. What should i expect at a first visit ? Any specific questions I should ask?
50 yr old female, suffering for 10 yrs now with episodic PGAD (self-diagnosed) and chronic unilateral (left-side) pain in these areas: pelvic, vaginal, labial, groin, clitoral, and inner thigh. All my symptoms including the PGAD occur on the left side only, while the right side of my clitoris is oddly almost completely numb. ????
Symptoms: Soreness and swelling inside my vagina in the area which seems to be the ischial spine. Also, throbbing, tugging, pulsating, and maddening tickling sensations like someone is plucking a guitar string on a nerve or ligament deep inside the left front wall of my vagina and the reverberations send the aching and pulsating to my inner thigh, labia, clitoris. The tingling and pulsating can reverberate thru my entire left side, with even my lips and gums and left foot being affected. Swelling like fluid retention in the left mons pubis and labia Majora and a distinct and painful sensation that my clitoris and vulva are being pulled inside of me from the inside n
The pain and sensations are maddening, sickening, and cause me extreme anxiety when the flare ups are bad. I have all the crazy-making symptoms of PGAD.
All of the pain and sensations are always in the exact same places, always all occur at the same time, and are pretty much always there the only thing that changes is the intensity. I can always sense where it is even if not flaring badly. I could draw a map of the pain, it is always exactly in the same place. It’s a sensation like a tight band that connects on one end to left labia Majora and clitoris and the other end deep inside my vaginal wall. Most days it’s an annoyance but when it gets triggered and flares I am essentially bedridden for hours or days. Flare ups happen at least 3 times per month and last 8 hrs to several days at a time.
The flares come on spontaneously unprovoked as well as provoked (stress, pressure or even light touch to the pubic, suprapubic and groin area, orgasm, sex without orgasm, and even when just thinking that sex with might be imminent can trigger a flare Intercourse itself is uncomfortable but not painful , but orgasm really sets things off. Orgasm is possible but so difficult now and scary because of all the weird pain sensations that follow and of course the PGAD...OMG the PGAD. oh yeah, one more thing, after orgasm I feel kinda numb in my left cheek for a few minutes (facial cheek that is ) and it feels like it is all tied in with the left sided pelvic symptoms.
I have urinary frequency, but also have trouble with hesitation and minor retention , because when things get bad my pelvic floor tenses up like a vice grip.
I have no burning.
I have constipation but no apparent intestinal, anal or rectal pain. No pain with bowel movements , nor do my flare ups seem to be tied to times when I am “backed up” Symptoms are unchanged whether I sit, walk, or stand. Sitting is no more painful than walking or standing. Walking doesn’t trigger a flare but walking doesn’t seem to help and may hurt once it is flaring. Lying down does not relieve the symptoms. I just go to bed if I can til the flare passes because I am so out of sorts from the pain and other weird sensations. Sometimes it makes me nauseous.It was so bad one night in the middle of the night years ago that I went to the ER and they gave me a CT scan and morphine. It didn’t help at all.
What’s been ruled out: endometriosis, vulvar vestibulitis and other skin issues, interstitial cystitis, fibroids, and hormone issues, and Maybe ruled some out other things that I don’t remember right now. Colonoscopy, vaginal ultrasound , pelvic / abdominal Ultrasounds and MRI and CT all negative for whatever they were looking for. I don’t think they were looking for PN.
So far my gynecologist has not taken the lead on figuring out what’s going on even after all these years. Per my own research we’ve just been treating as if it is pelvic floor dysfunction spasms but I’ve long suspected that something else is going on. Hernia ? PN? No idea. Doctor has no ideas.
Treatments I take are the usual PFD stuff: muscle relaxer, Tylenol with codeine, ibuprofen, Naproxen,lidocaine patches, stretching , relaxation, heating pad, cold packs, and vaginal suppositories compounded with Valium, baclofen, and lidocaine. But none of those things give me any relief really so I rarely use them. The most I can usually hope for is that the muscle relaxer puts me to sleep for the night and that I awake in the morning with less pain.
Any thoughts or input on my situation are most appreciated thank you!
PS Just found out today that there is At last a pelvic floor doctor and therapist in my area. So I am scheduled to see her next week for pelvic floor assessment. What should i expect at a first visit ? Any specific questions I should ask?