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Male perineal descend

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 5:33 am
by Hussain
Hi I am new here,
I have had accident injury to my buttock long time ago had
Spasm in pelvic lavator muscle and rectum area, after many physiotherapy
And diaphragm breathing and internal work with PT I manage to release all that
Spasm and able to sit for few hours on my buttock,
However after all diaphragm breathing biofeedback trying to release the pelvic spasm
I have developed pain and burning in the premium and around bulbospongiosis muscle
After visiting many specialist with no clue, as was I just reading some comment from this website
With the same symptoms and mentioned perineal descend which I think I might have
The problem because the symptoms match,
I have no bladder or bowel problems just burning and aching around penis,

Is there anyone have any clue or treatment please let me know,
I live in Auckland New Zealand and there not many specialist that I can go to.

Re: Male perineal descend

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 4:14 am
by Violet M
The muscles around the base of the penis are innervated by the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve. If you think your pudendal nerve is involved you can ask your PT if they know how to help you release those muscles as well, in case they are impinging on the pudendal nerve. If that doesn't help then you might want to consider some of the other treatments that are typically used for pudendal neuralgia. You would probably have to visit a PN specialist. If there aren't any in your country and your pain is really debilitating, you might want to consider traveling to Australia.


Re: Male perineal descend

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:56 am
by Hussain
Thanks for replying
I think because of my pelvic diaphragm breathing it’s over stretched the perineum it is not deep pain just burning underneath of the skin of the perineal, no pain when urinating or contracting muscle.

Burning when walking long distance have sensation when I get very stressed and I feel uncomfortable and scared of seating on soft surface, the soft tissue underneath the skin is very weak and burning.