No more morning erections after I hurt my pudendal nerve.
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 12:43 pm
A month ago I was pulling up a dolly with a washing machine up 3 floors and as soon as I got to the floor I had a really sharp pain on the upper side of my butt/hip then I started to walk really funny like I couldnt move my right leg normally. Later that night my piriformis spasmed really bad and now i dont get morning erections and it's been a week since I had a morning erection. Can someone tell me what they think happened? I've been having pudendal nerve problems before that incident. Me and my pt think that that my pudendal canal maybe compressing my pudendal nerve. But ever since that washing machine incident I haven't been having morning erections. My pt says my piriformis is really tight and it's been loosening up and I feel a really deep pinch in both my butt cheeks when I sit down but more on my right butt. I'm guessing I hurt my pudendal nerve. Our plan for now is to botox the obterator internus hoping that that the alcocks canal will release the pudendal nerve. Will morning erections come back? Can someone come up with a theory as to what happened in the washing machine incident?