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What muscles can cause compression to pudendal nerve and art
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:22 am
by Pleasehelpmegod
What muscles in the pelvis can cause compression to the pudendal nerve and artery? I know obterator internus can. Iv dry needled piriformis and obterator internus. The Burning is somewhere in the deep 6 area.
Re: What muscles can cause compression to pudendal nerve and
Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 2:25 am
by April
You could review the anatomy pictures on the home page to get a sense of the different muscles that touch the nerve. I think compression is more common with a ligament, although I did just hear about someone who had her piriformis muscle removed in part to relieve her pudendal nerve pain, and it worked. Her pain is lower now.
Re: What muscles can cause compression to pudendal nerve and
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:01 pm
by Violet M
The pudendal nerve runs through the Alcock's canal with the obturator internus and levator ani making up the canal. The levator ani is made up of several muscles. I had tension in the OI, pubococcygeous, and puborectalis. If your OI muscle is enlarged sometimes the docs will cut part of it away. Or the nerve can be entrapped in the muscle fascia. The piriformis can be a culprit with PN but it's less common. Typically the piriformis muscle causes piriformis syndrome with sciatica. I had spasm in that muscle but it affected the sciatic nerve, not the pudendal nerve.