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Anyone had to quit a job due to PN?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:49 am
by puffsplus
I'm strongly considering quitting my job (although my husband wants me to get myself fired instead to help build an SSI claim) due to PN issues. For many reasons I can't get comfortable seating there. I have a urologist's signoff on having PN such that I have a standing desk, but standing all day gives me back pain, so for part of the day I need to sit, and that's where I have trouble. I've tried a kneeling chair and now a split saddle stool but no luck. Also, the long commute, even with my PN cushion, is causing me issues too.

As a result, I'm having to take days off due to nerve pain, and I'm only 2 months into this job. I'm starting to think this is just not worth it. I'm just a contractor after all.

Re: Anyone had to quit a job due to PN?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:06 pm
by janetm2
Although I did not quit my job I because I was a Government employee and was able to get leave with out pay to cover my time off I probably would have if a contractor. My last 6 years of work were 5-5.5 hours of work a day, sitting mostly in a wheelchair with Roho cushion and some standing (foot pain limited that). My bosses backed me up to stay as a full-time job and doctors filled out paperwork. I sympathize with you and sorry to hear you are at this crossroads.

Re: Anyone had to quit a job due to PN?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:34 pm
by Patty
I was working FT making good $$ when PN hit 5 years ago. I had to leave this job & reduce my hours and pay. I now work anywhere from 3-7 hours per day. The
shorter days allow me to rest which helps my pain. I'm making a fraction of what I used to make but its just not possible for me to go back to that schedule again.
I wish you luck in your decision. PN sucks.

Re: Anyone had to quit a job due to PN?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:02 pm
by stephanies
If you are thinking of applying for disability, SSDI, you don’t need to be fired to apply. You only need to prove that you are unable to work due to PN. Do you have a doctor who understands your condition and limitations who would be willing to support your claim? Good luck.


Re: Anyone had to quit a job due to PN?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:21 pm
by chenonceau
I was living in the US and working full time. I had to quit my job and I ended up going back to my homeland.