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Diverticulitis surgery--sigmoid colectomy--and PN pain?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:55 pm
by rara118
I am a 59 year old woman and have had proctalgia fugax for about 21 years. It is horribly painful and typically wakes me from sleep. Also sometimes occurs with a totally normal bowel movement for no particular reason. I definitely have proctalgia fugax, and maybe PN as well (there have been other symptoms). However, what I thought was PN related pelvic pain turned out to be diverticular disease, resulting in two hospitalizations in 3 months. A sigmoid colectomy is recommended: this means removing the sigmoid colon--which attaches to the RECTUM--then reattaching the adjoining bowel back to the rectum. My fear is that such a surgery will increase the frequency and even the intensity of my anal spasms. That thought terrifies me. I've been on proctalgia fugax discussion boards and consulted with 2 surgeons, but no one seems to have any information or experience with sigmoid colon resection on someone who has proctalgia fugax. (Or possibly the former even causing the latter).
PLEASE HELP! Has anyone here had surgery for diverticular disease?

Re: Diverticulitis surgery--sigmoid colectomy--and PN pain?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:34 am
by Violet M
Hi Rara,

I have heard of the theory that proctalgia fugax is a possisble symptom of pudendal neuralgia since the inferior rectal branch of the the pudendal nerve innervates the anal area, but I don't recall any studies confirming that theory. I don't think there has been much discussion of diverticulitis on this forum and I'm afraid I'm not an expert on that topic. Calluna from awhile back posted about it. You can use the advanced search feature in the upper right corner to find her posts about it. If diverticulitis is an inflammation of the diverticula, I wonder if there is any dietary or natural way of treating it rather than going the surgery route. Have you done any research into that? I can understand your concern about having such a major surgery.


Re: Diverticulitis surgery--sigmoid colectomy--and PN pain?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 10:27 pm
by rara118
Violet, thank you for your reply. I did see Calluna's post, and wish I could get an update from her as to whether her symptoms persisted. I really do need the surgery--in spite of my low-risk factors for diverticulitis (I have a healthy diet and am not overweight) I've had 2 hospitalizations in 3 months, with an abscess. It will keep happening if I don't get surgery. I've consulted 2 surgeons and one of them consulted with his colleagues as well. They didn't THINK there should be a connection, but didn't know for sure, as they had no experience with it.

Re: Diverticulitis surgery--sigmoid colectomy--and PN pain?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 5:47 am
by Violet M
Well, that's a tough decision. An abscess can be a serious issue so that could have some bearing on your decision whether to have surgery obviously. With any surgery there is always a risk of damage to the surrounding nerves but sometimes you have to take that risk. I wish I could give you a more definite answer but sometimes there are no easy answers. I wish you the best whatever your decide.
