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Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:15 pm
by Robyn
Hello all,
I know I have seen Dr Dellon in Baltimore, Md. mentioned several times in various threads, but since I did not see him listed in the "USA Doctors" section, I have started a new topic.
I have seen that several of you have had an ongoing email conversation with him.
Has anyone ever heard of Dr. Dellon doing PN Decompression Surgery?
Does anyone know if he cuts either the sacrotuberous or sacrospinous ligaments?
Wishing Everyone a Good Day,
Re: Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:54 am
by Pelvis Stressly
Hi Robyn,
Dr. Dellon does a 'subtype' of the PN decompression surgery that he helped develop. He specifically targets any compression that might be happening at the level of the
dorsal branch of the pudendal nerve (which presents w. its own distinct set of symptoms...usually penile/clitoral numbness &/or pain). This doesn't require him to sever either of the ligaments you mentioned as where he's operating is further down the course of the nerve from there (the dorsal nerve typically branches off from the the main trunk of the pud. nerve after it comes out of Alcock's Canal).
I realize it's a looong thread, but you can find all of the info you'll
ever need about Dr. Dellon & his procedure here... ... f=17&t=448 (specific mention of Dellon starts at around p. 3).
Hope that answers your questions,
Re: Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:10 pm
by MsRivers
Is the reason he's not listed in the USA doctor list because he does the subtype of surgery mentioned in the previous post? How does one determine if it's the dorsal nerve causing the pain/numbness/or burning? Does this nerve cause rectal burning?
Re: Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:24 am
by Pelvis Stressly
MsRivers...believe the reason he's not listed yet is just because he's relatively new on the scene (I'm sure that will be remedied shortly).
And since I made my earlier post, we've learned that, in addition to the procedure I mentioned, Dr. Dellon will also perform decompression surgeries at the more 'classic' PNE sites when/if necessary. Robyn can probably tell you more, as she recently had surgery w. him.
And to answer your last question (as best I can at least), the specific symptoms I described in my last post are more indicative of involvement of the dorsal branch (not so much rectal burning). Hope that helps, PS.
Re: Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:14 pm
by Robyn
Pelvis Stressly wrote:MsRivers...believe the reason he's not listed yet is just because he's relatively new on the scene (I'm sure that will be remedied shortly).
Pelvis Stressly said it well as to why Dr Dellon is not listed yet under this sites PN Doctors.
BTW, let me take this opportunity to publically thank "Pelvis Stressly" for taking the time to not only answer this original subjects question for me, but also pointing me to the approx. page I could start finding the discussion/infor regarding Dr Dellon. "Thank you".
Pelvis Stressly wrote:And since I made my earlier post, we've learned that, in addition to the procedure I mentioned, Dr. Dellon will also perform decompression surgeries at the more 'classic' PNE sites when/if necessary. Robyn can probably tell you more, as she recently had surgery w. him.
Pelvis Stressly's above info is also correct and let me add just a little. Dr Dellon is a world reknown Neuro-Surgeon. When he takes on our surgical case, he will use his many years of clinical expierence to correct whatever pathology he finds, where ever he finds it. If he has limitations, he will tell you. He has made himself very fimilar with the pundendal nerve and the problems assiociated with it. He has looked at the way other doctors are surgically treating it, and is not in agreement with those ways. He has established his surgical approaches which are dicated by our areas and type of pain. Only time will give us satistics on his sucess and failure rates.
MsRivers wrote:How does one determine if it's the dorsal nerve causing the pain/numbness/or burning? Does this nerve cause rectal burning?
The great thing for me was "I didn't have to determine" which nerve. Once I had done my PN research, then found and choose Dr Dellon, I felt a large weight lift from my shoulders. I felt like I had finally found a doctor who was knowledge & capibile of helping me and I trusted him.
Re: Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:11 am
by AliPasha1
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please also make sure to add that he has no association with any of the Insurance companies in the US and one should be ready to pay huge amounts of cash to him upfront before the surgery.If you don't have cash,his office encourages patients to borrow money from your parents,friends,a bank, or take a second mortgage etc.A majority of us won't be able to afford him until he starts taking insurance and it would be ethical in my opinion for him to take insurance.This isn't some plastic surery like breast enhancement or a nose job.
He need to play according to the normal insurance rules rather than his own rules if he really wants to help humanity which is the most important part of a doctor's profession.
Patients should also expect that there aren't going to get much from reimbursement from the insurance companies ,when they file for reimbursement because his surgical prices are quite inflatted.
He isn't a compassionate doctor like Dr. Hibner or Dr. Conway for that matter who will go out of the way to help you.
I believe that a patient's health should be the main concern of a doctor especially when so many of us have lost our life styles, are in horrendous pain and are getting meagre Social Security disability checks to survive on a daily basis.
I sincerely hope that he changes his mind and start taking inurance in order to help mankind.
Re: Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:46 pm
by Karyn
Hi Ali,
Thank you for posting this information. I think it's very important for potential Dellon patients to understand what they'll be paying out of pocket to be treated by him.
Warm regards,
Re: Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:05 am
by Violet M
Ali, in Dr. Dellon's defense, he may have very good reasons for not taking insurance because often the reimbursement is not too great. If he is performing "out of the box" surgeries such as the dorsal nerve surgery his malpractice insurance rates could be through the roof. So maybe it is best not to jump to conclusions about his motives and to appreciate the fact that he is willing to try new things. But I can understand how this makes it difficult for patients who really need the surgery. Maybe we should question the motives of the trial lawyers instead?
Re: Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:43 am
by Celeste
Not taking insurance is a business decision that any doctor can choose to take. So many PN providers don't--Weiss, Filler,'s their choice. Calling it unethical is not correct; nothing in the Hippocratic Oath requires doctors to take it. It would be interesting to see how many of us, if we followed through with medical school and the years of study necessary to become a neurosurgeon (and the massive expense required), would want to settle for increasingly low reimbursement from insurance.
Re: Questions about Dr Dellon in Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:14 am
by Pelvis Stressly
Robyn wrote:BTW, let me take this opportunity to publically thank "Pelvis Stressly" for taking the time to not only answer this original subjects question for me, but also pointing me to the approx. page I could start finding the discussion/infor regarding Dr Dellon. "Thank you".
My pleasure Robyn...really glad your experience w. Dellon seems to have been such a positive one! Wishing you continued success in your recovery,