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PNE after gynecological surgery

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:12 am
by Chocolatemom
Perhaps I haven't done my due diligence researching this site, but I was curious whether anyone else here had had ONE as a direct result of a gyn surgery. Unfortunately, this is what happened to me last year after my hysterectomy, and that as well as my treatment by that doctor, ensuing disability, was terribly traumatizing to me.
We're it not for the doctor's at St. Joe's I would literally not be alive today.
As I slowly reclaim my life, I'm wondering what the incidence of this is for other patients.

Re: PNE after gynecological surgery

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 1:22 am
by jaxi123
What did doctors at st Joe's do for you?

Re: PNE after gynecological surgery

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:58 pm
by Chocolatemom
I had a nerve entrapment of an inguinal gastric nerve in the lower pelvis during a TAH. Dr. Castellanos at St. Joe's essentially did a decompression surgery, although he layer described cutting away layers of scar tissue along with a neurons, and the entrapment, similar to how one would slice out a piece of cake from the whole.

Except for some residual muscle spasms in the vulvar region, I am happy to report the original pain is completely gone. :)

And I want to apologize in advance for posting this thread in completely wrong area- I totally spaced that.

Re: PNE after gynecological surgery

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:56 am
by Violet M
Not sure I understand your question. Are you asking if anyone has developed PNE as a result of gyn surgery? Yes, gyn surgery is one of the possible causes of PN.

Glad to hear that Dr. Castellanos was able to help you.
