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Baby Hummingbird Nest

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:50 pm
by Emily B
If you'd like to see something to warm your heart, check out these two baby hummingbirds in their nest. It's a live webcam in Southern California. I've watched since the mommy hummingbird was sitting on the eggs. So sweet! A good distraction from our pain...

Here they are hatching. If you don't want to watch the whole video, fast forward to about the 3 minute mark and start watching. You'll hear a little "crack" sound when the baby hatches!

Emily B.
Hummingbirds 01-17-11 (3).jpg
Hummingbirds 01-17-11 (3).jpg (45.69 KiB) Viewed 1200 times

Re: Baby Hummingbird Nest

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:21 am
by Celeste
That is seriously sweet, Emily! That's one snug and teeny nest; it looks like it's in a rose bush.

Re: Baby Hummingbird Nest

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:39 am
by HerMajesty
One of the best 10 bucks I ever spent was to get a little plastic hummingbird feeder to hang next to our back window. If they are indigenous to your area, do it! You boil 3 parts water to 1 part sugar, cool it, fill the feeder with it, and they start showing up in droves. They are totally not afraid of people; they will use the feeder if you are sitting right below it, or land a foot away and just stare it you. If you have a yard with some mature landscaping in it, keep the feeder filled and they'll probably decide to nest there.

Re: Baby Hummingbird Nest

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:02 am
by scaredgal
OMG - that is so sweet! I'm a bird lover, I have a pet parrot. I've had birds for years, starting when I was a teenager and had parakeets. Then we raised lovebirds for 10 years. Now, I'm the proud mother (for 10 years now) of a "Paulie" blue crowned conure. I cleaned his cage today outside and when I brought it in, he said "It's sooooooo pretty, thank you mommy". He also says "Coco says I love you mommy" :lol:

If any of you are bird lovers, rent the movie, "Paulie", it's an oldie but goodie. Also check out "Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill" about the wild conures in San Francisco. It will make a big smile on your face.

Re: Baby Hummingbird Nest

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:47 am
by KC17
scaredgal wrote:I cleaned his cage today outside and when I brought it in, he said "It's sooooooo pretty, thank you mommy".
How wonderful! Animals are such a delight. Especially one that is grateful for a mommy who cleans its cage! :D

Re: Baby Hummingbird Nest

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:42 am
by scaredgal
Coco loves it when I clean our house too - he starts singing when the vacuum cleaner is going. Just another random bird note - if you enjoy backyard birds and if you are in an area in which they visit, consider putting up a purple martin house. They have such a lovely song during the spring and from what I've read they have really become quite social birds and enjoy the company of humans. We have had a purple martin house in both our homes for years. Check out if interested.

Re: Baby Hummingbird Nest

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:20 pm
by Karyn
Fabulous pic! Thanks so much for posting and bring a smile to my face today!

Re: Baby Hummingbird Nest

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:50 pm
by Emily B
The babies are HUGE now! They're buzzing their wings to practice flying away. Should be any day now. So cute!

Emily B.