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what I have???
Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 6:02 pm
by Bauli
Is anybody have similar problems like me...3tmri shows a tight space between sacrospinal and sacrotuberal ligament on both sides.Distant scar is visibile in the right paravaginal region.Right piriformis muscle apears bulky,as oposed to the left side.Venus congestion right side.
I feel constant burning in the entrance of vagina and that is my main problem.I am not sure is it pelvic congestion or PN nerve or vulvodynia?
Thank You all
Re: what I have???
Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 12:24 am
by Violet M
Hi Bauli,
Welcome to the forum.
The pudendal nerve innervates the lower 1/3 of the vagina so if you are having burning there, the pudendal nerve could very likely be involved.
I have heard of MRI reports showing congestion of the blood vessels near the ligamental grip where the blood vessels run between the SS and ST ligaments at the ischial spine, indicating a compression of the pudendal blood vessels. The pudendal blood vessels follow the same course as the pudendal nerves through that space so it could also be an indication of pudendal nerve entrapment. But I don't know which blood vessels were shown to be congested in your MRI. Do you know? It could be completely different blood vessels.
Since you have different sizes of piriformis muscles, you probably want to be checked by a good pelvic PT for pelvic misalignment and hip problems, etc.