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Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:04 pm
by Missingmylife42
God please tell me this is not forever this was the mist pleasurable sexual orgasmic part of me. Last night Dan Just tried to rub it omg it burned So bad I was screaming for ice. Its broken no More pleasurable feelings like before August no more o's. It Burns so bad. This morning I woke up I'm still burning and my thighs. Its broken how can a clitiris be broken. I rather be paralized than have this burning. My MRI shows That im n trapped in the dorsal nerve but us the nerve damaged. Omg thus hurts So bad. I don't feel like a woman I don't feel like a wife. My husband is being so supportive though I feel so bad for him our sex life is over I feel disabled. I want It back. Am u broken. Forever


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:53 pm
by pomegranate
You have not yet run out of options.

You have to put yourself on pelvic rest. If your ankle was broken, you would not continually try to run on it or dance. Same thing with this anatomy.


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:13 pm
by Emily B
All of of have been where you are now. You feel like you're broken forever. I have had to force myself to not think in negative absolutes, using phrases like "I'll never ever get better. I'm stuck like this forever. My life is over."

I know it's so, so hard when you're in pain and you miss who you used to be. Please try to keep hope that you will find a way to get better.

Emily B.


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:22 pm
by Missingmylife42
What is my answer. does anyone have this problem


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:51 pm
by KC17
You will find my MRI results in the MRI/MRN section and will see that I am entrapped bilaterally at the dorsal nerves to the clitoris. This is where 80% of my symptoms are. For the first few months it was an unbearable raw feeling and I would get tiny zaps. Over time I have found that some days are better than others. What I mean by this is that some days I can sit comfortably, be touched, and feel relatively normal [if there is a normal ;) ]; others I can barely wear underwear without feeling like I have poison ivy and electrical toothpicks down there. These days are of course the hardest, and I completely understand where you are coming from. For many women this is their most sexual part and now in our case it has been hurt.

I agree with pomegranate in that when anything is injured, you must let it take a break. I know this can be difficult and leave you feeling like less than a woman and less than a wife. There are days when I feel as if I don't deserve my fiance and that there will be no way to continue on without sexual intimacy, but try and think positively about what you can still do. Your husband sounds supportive and understanding. Please try and keep you head up, things will get better.



Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:53 pm
by mom
Tell me about the toohthpick prick feel. So underwear makes your itch worse?
My daughter is having this problem. How does the dorsal nerve becom entrapped? Is there answer specific for your case?


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:16 pm
by mom

I have been reading your posts. I have to agree with others. The would of's , could of's and what if's, can not help you in the present.
You have to focus on the now! What can you do to manage the now while you wait for your appt. with Dr. Hibner?
relaxation therapy, mentally visualize the nerve becoming less tense. What ever would be appropriate for your beliefs, meditation, prayer, breathing, IDK. YOU have to be in control of emotions. You are allowing what your feel at the moment to dictate everything.
when someone makes us angry we can't give in to our emotions and snap on them, we have to exercise our self control, so it is the same with your being stuck in the emotion of the past. Do not let your emotions rule you. You have to have a plan of action and carry it out no matter what your emotions are telling you. Breathe, breathe. Embrace the support you have around you and let their energy give you the ability to draw from your place of strength.
My thoughts are with you and your husband


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:33 am
by KC17

The toothpick feeling is a hard one to describe, as with any of this pain it seems to modulate from day to day. At its worse it feels like movement under the skin, such as bugs crawling or an intense rash (I believe the medical term for the feeling of crawling is formication). Of course the toothpick sensation is just tiny electrical zaps; this is often exacerbated by underwear during flares.

As far as how the dorsal nerve becomes entrapped I cannot give you a reliable answer. Mine is entrapped in scar tissue. I haven't had any trauma, but I had what seemed as if were persistent yeast infections when I was younger (I question now whether it has been my nerve acting up since I was 10--as there was never any evidence of yeast). I have an appointment with a pelvic pain specialist next week and I hope they will be able to address the formation of scar tissue and I will gladly report back about its cause.

If I can be of any more help let me know,



Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:03 am
by nyt
I to have days it is not pleasant and even painful to have my clitoris touched. What I have found is slow, slow, slow, and I have even used Lidocaine cream (prescription) that numbs some and takes the edge off of the unpleasantness. I also have a very supportive husband and he has been extremely understanding. Many times I just focus on his needs. The key is open communication and staying positive. Staying positive can be really hard sometimes but if you don't it just will spiral out of control. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a great tool and I try to practice it, esp. on the worst days.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:18 am
by pianogal
so my clitoris must have always been broken cause it's never worked. only would start to have mild pleasure and then be extremely annoying and or painful if anything continues... never orgasmic.

At least I don't know what I'm missing!

I get the crawling feeling in my tinier labia (labia minora). Is that where you ladies get them?