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Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 4:44 am
by lightmail
Can a pudendal nerve that has been possibly nicked or what ever by a needle during a nerve block be repaired by pudendal surgery. I'm one of the few that is worse after a nerve block. I mean much worse. I have never seen anything about this problem..

Re: Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:07 am
by Violet M
I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience with a nerve block. I haven't heard of any type of surgery that could repair a nicked nerve, unfortunately. Some people seems to have problems from the steroids used in the nerve block. Is that a possibility for you?


Re: Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:58 am
by lightmail
Violet. No I did not use steroids, only lidocaine and marcaine.. It was a funny feeling. Nothing unusual on the right side but the left block felt strange like when you have a scan of some kind and you feel that feeling of contrast flowing around. Like a flood of stuff . He used fluoroscopic approach. If I am truly nicked then there's really nothing surgery wise that's open to me now. I'm so devastated. Can't eat or sleep much. The Dr was used by someone else and he did quite a few blocks and no problem, 20-25 years experience... Well regarded by other Drs. A couple weeks later I woke up with my knees on fire like i have never know. I also have pins and needles sometimes below knees and in bottom of feet. That has settled but now have more pain in sit bones and it feels at night like my penis is trying to kick into pgad...Sorry thing is I read your warning about a few getting worse to late.

Re: Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:01 am
by lightmail
Violet, anybody, can nerves slowly heal on their own? Or is this just going to slowly progress into full blown pn.

Re: Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:24 am
by Violet M
Wow, I'm really sorry this happened to you, Lightmail. My heart is breaking for you because I remember when I was in a state of barely being able to eat or sleep.

I think someone posted once about lidocaine causing nerve damage but I can't find the post. So, I don't know if it could have been the lidocaine or if the nerve might have been nicked. How long ago was your nerve block?

Yes, nerves can heal on their own but it might be important to try to keep your pain levels down during the healing phase so that it doesn't go into central sensitization. What are you doing for pain relief?

There may be things you can do to promote healing. I'm kind of a go-all-out kind of a person but that might not be the right approach. Sometimes just wait and see could be the best. So, I'm not sure what is best for you. Will keep you in my prayers.


Re: Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:12 am
by lightmail
My nerve block was almost 2 months ago Violet.. I had mostly the rectal branch for 6.6 years but now I feel it spreading to the other branches. Why would an anesthesiologist use lidocaine if it was toxic I wonder, and don't you think I would have felt the needle if it had struck the nerve. I wonder if the nerve can recover from the effects of lidocaine. I feel so stupid for having it done. But being bed bound all these years was getting old as well as the pain. I'm scared to what level the pain may get to now because since it's possibly nicked surgery would not be considered anymore (problem unfixable)...Thanks for your thoughts. Had to vent...Just a thought. If it was lidocaine wouldn't that have messed up my right pudendal nerve, which it didn't.

Re: Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:36 am
by Violet M
I don't know, Lightmail. Just brainstorming all of the possibilities. It could depend on how close to the nerve the injection got -- for instance on one side the fluid injected might have surrounded the nerve but on the other side it didn't hit the nerve as directly and surround it, or possibly with one of the injections the fluid went into the nerve itself rather than just surrounding it. I found a couple of articles on the possible effects of lidocaine injection or bupivocaine (marcaine) on peripheral nerves. (section on peripheral nerve blocks)

As the articles say, most nerve blocks don't cause any permanent damage so that may be why docs don't really give an adequate warning about the possible risks.

If the problem is a nerve injury as opposed to a nerve entrapment there might be things you can do to promote healing. Possibly the amniotic fluid injection, the hot/cold water therapy treatments I have posted about before, or hyperbaric oxygen treatments. I got my insurance to pay for half of the hyperbaric oxygen treatments I had because there are studies showing that it promotes nerve healing. If I think of anything else I will post it but hopefully someone else will have some ideas for you too.


Re: Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:25 am
by lightmail
Thank you Violet for your time and effort. My feet and toes are really messed up now, seems to be progressing. Feels like blow torch up butt. Last 3 months have been the worse in my life, and I have had some terrible things. Oh, why didn't I do a little more research.

Re: Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:01 am
by Violet M
Are you doing anything for pain control, Lightmail? Maybe some type of pain control would be helpful while you are hoping for the nerve to heal, especially if you feel like the pain is spreading. Do you have a pain management doctor who is offering any suggestions? I have been intrigued by Kit's recent story of success with the DRG neurostimulator but there are other options too.


Re: Repair of Nicked nerve?

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 11:53 pm
by lightmail
Hello Violet..Going to my pain management dr tues. I don't seem to be making any headway. I have a very important question about a symptom that I have never had before, I have shortness of breath. Have you ever heard of someone that got that from this condition? Just noticed recently when waking up. Is it tied in with the nervous system somehow? Thank you....