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PN pain

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:21 pm
by Mammamia85
Hi All

I’m new to this site. I was diagnosed with PN and had shots on 4th December I did have relief but the pain is now fully back ( actually a little worst ) I have been going through helll since the age of 25 ( I am now 32 ) I was a footballer and runner and it was my life . One day I had serious ilium crest pain and that’s when it all went wrong ....after a year of getting sent around the houses they found a massive tear in my righ hip and hip impingement surgery..I had heavy groin , ilium crest and testicle pain constantly. After A year I recovered and went back into sports apart from football doctor said best not too but biking and running was ok ..after 3 years ilium crest came back and I couldn’t sit mainly on my left side so went back and they found another small tear on my left side had the surgery and the pains all came back apart from ilium crest and the surgeon just sent me to the pain clinic which I refused to go to as they just handed my drugs after drugs and I was down constantly. After two years of pain I went to Harley street and found a great doctor who said that all this time I had a sports hernia so tears in on both sides which was causing me pain when sitting and so on..phisio for sports hernia it’s not highly successful and had another surgery and now I’m buggered one year on and all these pains won’t go and I’m in agony 24/7.....

I live in the uk

Re: PN pain

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:23 am
by Violet M

Welcome to the forum. There are some excellent PT's in the UK and some docs in Europe who treat PN. You can probably get some good info in the UK section of the forum that might give you some ideas on where to go. I know it's hard to stop exercising but maybe you want to exercise more gently until you can figure out what is going on.
