Nucelio Lemos

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Nucelio Lemos

Post by winged_cent »

I wanted to ask if anyone has had any experiences with this doctor. He is a Brazilian who learned the laparoscopic approach from Dr. Possover in Switzerland (and is the co-author on several of Dr. Possover's studies) and is now based in Toronto. There is one Canadian woman on the Pudendal Facebook group who had surgery with him at the beginning of this year and has had very positive results and raves about him. On the other hand, there have been horror stories on this forum about the laparoscopic approach as practiced by Dr. Erdorgru in Turkey. Apparently, Dr. Lemos sees both men and women.

Anyone have any experience with him? Looks like he might be another option, especially for Canadians, but also perhaps for Americans with the economic means to pay out-of-pocket.
Tara S
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Joined: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:57 pm

Re: Nucelio Lemos

Post by Tara S »


I've met with Dr. Lemos 3 times now. I haven't had any surgery (yet). I've seen a ton of gyne/urogyne and other specialties at this point and he would definitely rank as one of the doctors I prefer. He came off a little abrupt at first - but I think that might be the cultural/language differences? He is super thorough and is willing to admit when he isn't sure of something and details his plan to figure it out. He also seems to really want to get to the bottom of things/find solutions and works cooperatively with other physicians.

I have a follow-up in a few months and we are likely looking at surgery at that point. I will provide an update if I have one.
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