Hi! Really need some opinions
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:01 am
Hi I joined this site because I have what I believe are early signs of Pudendal Neuralgia. I'll try and be brief but I need some opinions.
sorry though it may be looong but I think some of these things could be important info!
I have very bad health anxiety which causes psychosomatic symptoms. I had a phobia of throwing up and for 2 years I was so nauseous to the point of almost throwing up EVERY day. That was replaced when I read about PGAD and starting getting slight tingling (not an actual arousal feeling.. more like something crawling on my skin) which lasted about 2-5 seconds each but would come anywhere around my pelvic floor (and feet) many many times a day. After about 7-8 months of it I was fully convinced it was psychosomatic too and it went away instantly and has never came back! Now I look back I know for sure these were definitely psycho as well as having tons of tests and specialists to reassure me.
Anyway... 1 month of symptom free happiness. I start to get real genuine PGAD feelings (arousal, burning and throbbing) all in my urethra tube but sometimes going all the way down to my anus.. very rarely. This has been going on for 4 months now.. It starts before my period and once I'm off my period I take antibiotics (Drs assume it's a UTI) and all symptoms clear up in a week. This has happened for 3 months until this month. This month they said the UTI test came back negative and so didn't give me any antibiotics. Now it's been the longest I've gone with these symptoms and I'm starting to get new symptoms which are like pudendal neuralgia. One being a pebble feeling on the right side sorta next to my urethra tube which comes and goes. Another is a slight ache all in the pelvic floor which also comes and goes. Only thing that makes me question this is that I had these exact symptoms during a kidney infection which went away after a huge course of antibiotics.
So basically I'm wondering... do I have a UTI which is now getting worse? Or do I have pudendal neuralgia?
Extra info:
1. My symptoms are sometimes relieved when I stand but usually not always
2. About a year ago I had an OCD problem of constantly clenching and releasing my butt cheeks for about 2 weeks which left me with what the Dr said was a skin tag on my perineum BUT it bulges out whenever I have a bowel movement. He said it just fills with blood but I read it could be some kind of rectal prolapse? Besides the tingling which I really am 95% sure were psychosomatic, I never had any other symptoms until now.
3. Paracetamol doesn't help, 10mg beta blockers helped for one day but then had no effect since even on a higher dose and even got worse on one day, so maybe just a coincidence?
4. I'm taking antidepressants which sucks cos that can cause PGAD
5. I'm going through a super stressful and depressing time in my life which is when the symptoms started
6. I almost had a spontaneous orgasm twice (months apart) before this PGAD started but I put this down to straining too hard to pee during a UTI.
7. I have no pain anywhere
Sorry this is so long, I am so anxious and depressed about this. It's even caused me to cancel uni this year which I'm so sad about. I'm going the doctors on Thursday with all my symptoms and info I've learnt about PN. I want to hear it's all in my head so badly but I don't think it is? Or I hope it's just a UTI but it came up as negative even though antibiotics helped every time?
Thanks for reading!

I have very bad health anxiety which causes psychosomatic symptoms. I had a phobia of throwing up and for 2 years I was so nauseous to the point of almost throwing up EVERY day. That was replaced when I read about PGAD and starting getting slight tingling (not an actual arousal feeling.. more like something crawling on my skin) which lasted about 2-5 seconds each but would come anywhere around my pelvic floor (and feet) many many times a day. After about 7-8 months of it I was fully convinced it was psychosomatic too and it went away instantly and has never came back! Now I look back I know for sure these were definitely psycho as well as having tons of tests and specialists to reassure me.
Anyway... 1 month of symptom free happiness. I start to get real genuine PGAD feelings (arousal, burning and throbbing) all in my urethra tube but sometimes going all the way down to my anus.. very rarely. This has been going on for 4 months now.. It starts before my period and once I'm off my period I take antibiotics (Drs assume it's a UTI) and all symptoms clear up in a week. This has happened for 3 months until this month. This month they said the UTI test came back negative and so didn't give me any antibiotics. Now it's been the longest I've gone with these symptoms and I'm starting to get new symptoms which are like pudendal neuralgia. One being a pebble feeling on the right side sorta next to my urethra tube which comes and goes. Another is a slight ache all in the pelvic floor which also comes and goes. Only thing that makes me question this is that I had these exact symptoms during a kidney infection which went away after a huge course of antibiotics.
So basically I'm wondering... do I have a UTI which is now getting worse? Or do I have pudendal neuralgia?
Extra info:
1. My symptoms are sometimes relieved when I stand but usually not always
2. About a year ago I had an OCD problem of constantly clenching and releasing my butt cheeks for about 2 weeks which left me with what the Dr said was a skin tag on my perineum BUT it bulges out whenever I have a bowel movement. He said it just fills with blood but I read it could be some kind of rectal prolapse? Besides the tingling which I really am 95% sure were psychosomatic, I never had any other symptoms until now.
3. Paracetamol doesn't help, 10mg beta blockers helped for one day but then had no effect since even on a higher dose and even got worse on one day, so maybe just a coincidence?
4. I'm taking antidepressants which sucks cos that can cause PGAD
5. I'm going through a super stressful and depressing time in my life which is when the symptoms started
6. I almost had a spontaneous orgasm twice (months apart) before this PGAD started but I put this down to straining too hard to pee during a UTI.
7. I have no pain anywhere
Sorry this is so long, I am so anxious and depressed about this. It's even caused me to cancel uni this year which I'm so sad about. I'm going the doctors on Thursday with all my symptoms and info I've learnt about PN. I want to hear it's all in my head so badly but I don't think it is? Or I hope it's just a UTI but it came up as negative even though antibiotics helped every time?
Thanks for reading!