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PT for chronic pelvic pain

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:39 pm
by Griff522
I have been seeing a new PT recently and during my last appt she was talking to me about some podcasts that she had listened to about pelvic pain. She actually burned a CD for me with 6 of these podcasts and mailed it to me. I've listened to these podcasts, and they are by a married couple that have developed a technique to manually break up adhesions. Their website is Of course, like everyone else I was pretty skeptical and even PM'd HerMajesty about what she thought.

They have also written a book and when I found out that Dr. Christiane Northrup wrote the forward for their book that really got my attention. She also interviews them on one the podcasts. If anyone is interested in listening to that podcast just go to iTunes and then search podcasts for Clear Passages Physical Therapy and the interview with with Dr. Northrup is called "Flourish!"

Re: PT for chronic pelvic pain

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:03 pm
by Karyn
Hi Griff,
I don't have access to I Tunes but did check out the website. What's your take on it? Is your PT planning to use their methods?
Warmest of regards,

Re: PT for chronic pelvic pain

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:01 pm
by Griff522
Karyn, I'm not really sure exactly why she wanted me listen to these. I think maybe it was for me know that there was help and hope for me. I don't see her again until Friday so I might email her and ask a few questions. I also found that you can download chapters of their book on the website so I've done that and have just started reading the one entitled "Chronic Pain".