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Walking and flare-ups?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 1:53 pm
by Cade
On the main part of the site under the lifestyle changes section it says that walking is a safe form of exercise for those with this condition but I also read elsewhere that you should abstain from activities that aggravate your symptoms.

I can't stand or walk for more than a few minutes without getting a tingly feeling in the perineal area and then pain/soreness if I don't lay down. As a result I have to lay down nearly all day but I get so restless and stir-crazy. Do you think it's ok for me to keep walking in spite of it or is the flare-up a sign of further nerve damage/irritation?

Re: Walking and flare-ups?

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 5:59 am
by Violet M
Hi Cade,

What does your physician recommend? If you have a good PT they might also be able to advise you. Most people with PN problems are OK with walking but I had problems and had to lie down most of the time during the worst of my illness. Both walking and standing were a problem, so just from my own experience I would say, if something increases your pain, I think that is a red flag.
