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side effect review link by patients

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 4:23 am
by sadie ... ame=LYRICA A friend, who is a member of this forum sent me the link above with LYRICA already filled in, so you may want to cut and paste it, if you are on Lyrica.

You just fill in the name of the medication you are on, and you should be able to read what side effects other patients are experiencing .

It also appears that the posts on this site are a little more current then most. I did not post it yet but.... I did notice a big change in my sight after taking Lyrica. I was 52 when I started taking Lyrica for PN and only wore cheaters ( drug store magnified reading glasses) and suddenly I had to wear prescriptions not just for reading but for distance. I have tried to titrate down from the 225mg I am on now, but the symptoms came back. I am very disconnected and have huge memory issues.

I do remember something that may help someone. I once had a mega sever headache that was so bad that I could not move my head on the pillow, sleep or eat. It lasted for 3 weeks until my dr ordered an MRI. I never had headaches and I was sure it was something horrible. The MRI tech said out of the blue.., "I was on Lyrica once and had the worse headache that I ever had ..." my jaw dropped , and I knew that was it!!! I only dropped down 25mg from 250mg a day, to 225mg a day and never had another headache. So dosing is important, you may just be taking to don't always have to stop taking a drug completely due to side effects. Its all so individual, just like all of us.

thanks and blessings to the entire board and to Violet

Re: side effect review link by patients

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 12:05 pm
by mary jane
From what I've seen there are really few medications to treat nerve pain and I read somewhere it's getting increasingly difficult to come up with new meds which perform better than placebo in trials. Personally I just put up with the side effects unless they are life-threatening so I wouldn't want to start complaining about side effects, since even ibuprofen has horrible side effects.

Re: side effect review link by patients

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 7:57 am
by sadie
Well i found another site that lets you ask questions about medications and their side effects...and wanted to share ... .
This site will let you start a new 'approved' topic if you have one. I wanted to know how long after taking prescription benzos it takes to regain cognitive function . I did the medical research but wanted to know what the patients were saying. I realize all meds have side effects, but knowledge is power.

It took me two years to be able to problem solve and joke again . I saw the first glimmer of hope after the (year and a half mark). However, it would have been nice to know after the first year and a half that I still had hope to regain even more brain function the research was telling me that it could take up to 18 months...and was not giving me much hope after that 18 month mark.

I hope to eventually find out if after taking lyrica if our memory and eye site will return :roll:
To all the HOPE travelers on this site God bless you all.

Re: side effect review link by patients

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:22 pm
by janetm2
Hi Sadie,
That sounds like a good site. From my experience with Lyrica my memory came back after I got off of it. Not sure how long it took. Best to you.