Which antidepressant seems to be used the most

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Which antidepressant seems to be used the most

Post by Grammy »

Of all the antidpressants which ones seems to be used the most for anxiety and depression due to pain? Which has the least amount of side effects? Has there ever been a poll on this question?
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Re: Which antidepressant seems to be used the most

Post by calluna »

I don't think there has ever been a poll on this, and to be honest I don't think such a poll would be very useful. Different medications suit different people, some people may get horrible side effects with a drug that other people are able to take with no problems at all.

Also, the choice of drug will depend on what other medications each person is taking, interactions have to be taken into account.

The best person to advise you on the choice of medication is your doctor, as she will know your background and what is most likely to suit you.
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