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PN or Levator Ani Syndrome

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 3:03 am
by LindafromNJ
Hi new to site. Have not been diagnosed with PN as of yet. Going to my gynecologist this week. I am being treated for vaginal atrophy which may have improved a little. However I have the burning and itching vagina inside and now developed anal pain. It seems like it is a muscle pain on the left side and it hurts. The vagina pain is on the left. Got an exam from gastro doctor who said he felt no lumps. He gave me steroid suppositories. I think I may have Levator Ani Syndrome. Can you have that and PN. Another odd thing is when I have my vaginal pain the anal pain goes away and vice versa. In addition sitting aggravates both. Any insight is helpful. I think the worst is not knowing what you have.

Re: PN or Levator Ani Syndrome

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:33 pm
by janetm2
Hi Linda,
I first had levitor Ani muscle spasms (gastroenterologist sent me to colon rectal surgeon that diagnosed it). They did electro-Galvanic stimulation (EGS) treatments to stop it. warm baths also helped​. I had it the next year as well. Then a couple years later I had PNE, the EGS and Botox didn't help and I went to PT then Dr Marvel to diagnose PNE. Went on to decompression surgery and now have residual PN. I can say the pain seems the same, so really hard to say which was witch without the professionals or if there was an overlap. I hope you can pinpoint the problem and get some treatments to alleviate the pain.

Re: PN or Levator Ani Syndrome

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:44 am
by Violet M
I think it's really hard to distinguish between the two. I had PN but also had levator muscles that were painful, tight, and in spasm. The pudendal nerve runs through Alcock's canal which is the canal that runs between the obturator internus and the levator ani muscles. If the pudendal nerve is irritated, those muscles can be painful also.


Re: PN or Levator Ani Syndrome

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:46 am
by Simon94
The Pudendal nerve stuff is quite rare. I've been affected by pudendal injections and nerve tests etc.

I have not followed the TMS route 100%. With the pain for so bad, for so long, I'm having a hard time getting to truly believe that, A. Something that hurts this bad, can be subconsciously caused and B. That doing the mental work can actually make things which have been so tight, so bound up, and so irritated simply revers in my rectum.

But with that being said, nothing else has worked for this. I've seen the best physical therapists for pelvic pain, neurologists, you name it. All of course, have their own theories, but none of them seem to stick for a cure.

So, here I am again, and I think I have no other choice but to start doing the Sarno work full fledge. Maccafan has been a HUGE help and motivation as well!

Re: PN or Levator Ani Syndrome

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:09 pm
by Violet M
Hi Simon,

What is maccafan?
