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Two years on and still pain free.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 9:59 am
by christinevdm
A couple of years ago, I was in constant, excrutiating pain for 4 months and couldn’t find a doctor to help me to relieve the pain in the pelvic area. After a lot of research, I found Michael Durtnall MSc DC FRCC in London who treated me. I was only able to see him 6 times before leaving for Europe for a few months, therefore I was wondering how the Pudendal neuralgia would progress when I was abroad. By the time I left London I already felt much better after the sessions I had with Michael, but was unsure how some pain I was left with would evolve.The truth is that 3 to 4 months after the last session, I was completely free of pain and the symptoms never came back again! I wrote a note on the Pudendalhope website two years ago to tell my story, but I’d like to assure people who go through this pain that the condition I had never came back again.

Re: Two years on and still pain free.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:18 am
by BridgetS
Fantastic news! Thanks for putting a post so hopeful on here. It's a very upsetting condition at times and it's good to know someone has managed to find relief.