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Your personal thoughts --- on MY BLOG

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:28 am
by A's Mommy

A new area of my blog or post whatever you call it is going to be centered around the REALITY OF PNE, told from the PNE patient, at various times/stages of treatment/diagnosis.

I've contacted a few of you and have got your permission for posting some of your thoughts, but I wanted to throw the line out there and see if anyone would would like to contribute anything... whether it be part of a rant or a rave, a great moment, a struggling moment, ANY moment dealing with PNE.... so the real world can see.

If so, please contact me at:

With warm regards,

A's Mommy

PS: I LOVE HOPE!!!! i have a link to HOPE on my blog

Re: Your personal thoughts --- on MY BLOG

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:14 am
by A's Mommy
I have a few people who've PMd me with some info they would like to post on my blog... anyone else?

I'm trying to make this into a mass post instead of little "broken up" posts.

I hope you all are enjoying my blog and are passing it on to your non PN people and of course, passing on HOPE.

A's Mommy