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Vaginal Tear

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:39 pm
by Rosemary
Could i please ask any older ladies on here if they have developed a Vaginal tear because of all the muscle tightening and if so what they have done about it ?
I can now see that i have a small blood coloured tear midline in the vagina. I am off to see my doctor in a few days but i am sure it is a tear and due to all the burning and muscle tightening i have around the right side of my vulva. I guess something has had to give way somewhere. At 62 i'm not sure much can be done about it. Do these things heal of their own accord in some way ?
Thank you for anyone's time in replying.
Rosemary x

Re: Vaginal Tear

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:31 pm
by nyt
This could be an estrogen deficiency that has caused this. A gyn can do a swab test to look at the epithelia cells of the vaginal lining to determine if they need estrogen. There should be suppositories or creams a gyn can prescribe to help with the tear no matter what the cause.

Re: Vaginal Tear

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:51 am
by Rosemary
Thanks Nyt
I have had oestrogen pessaries & creams along with pain medication in the past for the vulva pain problem. After over 3 years I stopped using it all as it was getting me nowhere and the cream causing more irritation. i guess i should have continued. I seem to have more stinging sore pain around the small tear now than the vulva pain but maybe i'm used to all the burning vulva. i just deal with it as it is nowadays. This is what my body is doing. No doubt the doc is not going to be pleased with me and give me oestrogen again.
Appreciate your reply.
Rosemary X

Re: Vaginal Tear

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:02 pm
by Rosemary
Just to add for the interest or benefit of anyone reading this thread that the doctor has said that i have a Urethral Caruncle or prolapse. She has put me back on the localised HRT oestrogen to try to close the caruncle up.

Re: Vaginal Tear

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:52 am
by Violet M
Good luck, Rosemary. I hope it heals up and you have one less thing to worry about!
