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Nerve block aggravating urinary urgency?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:23 pm
by qwertyuiop2
I've noticed a lot of people reporting pain flare-ups after their pudendal nerve block, but has anyone experienced increased urinary symptoms, particularly urinary urgency, following their nerve block?

I had a pudendal nerve block (CT-guided through both buttocks, 2 types of anesthetics + corticosteroid) about 3 weeks ago. Before the operation, I only had occasional pain (groin pain during certain movements, penile pain, pain in the buttocks when sitting for too long etc) and my main symptom was urinary urgency. Now, after the nerve block, I don't notice much of a flare-up when it comes to pain (in fact, penile pain seems to have decreased) but my urinary symptoms have been significantly getting worse. Before the operation, Lyrica + Cymbalta used to help with that, but not anymore.

Does this sound normal and could it just be a temporary flare-up due to the nerve block?


Re: Nerve block aggravating urinary urgency?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:41 am
by Violet M
It's been so long since I had nerve blocks I don't remember specifically which symptoms flared up but I do remember having a flare-up that lasted for at least a month after one of my nerve blocks. Hopefully this will just be temporary for you and you will be feeling better soon.
