Introduction story and some questions
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:35 pm
Hi all,
I suspect I may have PN/PNE and would appreciate any opinion that any of you can give even if it is not coming from medical professionals.
My symptoms started 2.5 months ago after playing tennis; I felt a sharp but brief pain in the lower left side of my abdomen. The pain went away immediately but the following night I kept waking up every 40 mins to what felt like an urge to urinate, though there was something strange and different about the feeling; it was like a feeling of pressure or heaviness somewhere in the pelvic region. After treating me for prostatitis and interstitial cystitis, my urologist is suspecting something nerve-related, possibly SIJD irritating the nerves. I've had two sessions with a naprapath who agrees and is treating me for that. PT has noticed significant muscle tension on the left side (back and abdomen). Urologist has arranged for a radiologist to perform a PNE diagnostic block, though he has actually never done that before. In my country (Finland), it seems almonst no one has heard of PNE.
Along with the urinary symptom, the the following symptoms have been slowly appearing:
-mild burning in the penis (mainly after urinating. Urinating while sitting down sometimes seems to make it even worse)
-numbness/pain in the buttocks (initially only affected the left buttock and very infrequently, but now affects both regularly. I often get this pain even when laying on my back or on my sides)
-sharp pain in the lower side of my abdomen and groin (initially only affected the left side of the abdomen but now sometimes also happens on the right side)
-climbing up stairs seems to make the urinary urge worse
For those of you patient enough to have read this far, I'd like to ask a few questions:
1. Since my sitting pains are primarily in the buttocks (lower and sometimes also upper) and the thighs, and sitting down does not seem to significantly affect the burning sensation in my penis or the sharp pain in the abdomen/groin, can it still be PNE?
2. If you also experience urinary urge/frequency symptoms, do you also feel like it is a very distinct and different feeling from a normal urinary urge? Ie. do you feel as if the urge is coming from a different location in your body?
Edit: 3. The best way I can describe the groin pain location is to say it is toward the bottom of the inguinal groove, where the upper inner thigh and the lower abdomen connect; it feels like it sometimes radiates along that path by a centimeter or two, and sometimes also at the pubic tubercles. The abdominal pain I mentioned usually seems to be more or less halfway between the iliac crest and the center of the body but sometimes the pain is directly at the iliac crest. For those of you with PN/PNE experience, would you say these are unusual locations for PNE pain if there is no accompanying pain at the ischial spine or alcock canal?
Thanks for any answers.
I suspect I may have PN/PNE and would appreciate any opinion that any of you can give even if it is not coming from medical professionals.
My symptoms started 2.5 months ago after playing tennis; I felt a sharp but brief pain in the lower left side of my abdomen. The pain went away immediately but the following night I kept waking up every 40 mins to what felt like an urge to urinate, though there was something strange and different about the feeling; it was like a feeling of pressure or heaviness somewhere in the pelvic region. After treating me for prostatitis and interstitial cystitis, my urologist is suspecting something nerve-related, possibly SIJD irritating the nerves. I've had two sessions with a naprapath who agrees and is treating me for that. PT has noticed significant muscle tension on the left side (back and abdomen). Urologist has arranged for a radiologist to perform a PNE diagnostic block, though he has actually never done that before. In my country (Finland), it seems almonst no one has heard of PNE.
Along with the urinary symptom, the the following symptoms have been slowly appearing:
-mild burning in the penis (mainly after urinating. Urinating while sitting down sometimes seems to make it even worse)
-numbness/pain in the buttocks (initially only affected the left buttock and very infrequently, but now affects both regularly. I often get this pain even when laying on my back or on my sides)
-sharp pain in the lower side of my abdomen and groin (initially only affected the left side of the abdomen but now sometimes also happens on the right side)
-climbing up stairs seems to make the urinary urge worse
For those of you patient enough to have read this far, I'd like to ask a few questions:
1. Since my sitting pains are primarily in the buttocks (lower and sometimes also upper) and the thighs, and sitting down does not seem to significantly affect the burning sensation in my penis or the sharp pain in the abdomen/groin, can it still be PNE?
2. If you also experience urinary urge/frequency symptoms, do you also feel like it is a very distinct and different feeling from a normal urinary urge? Ie. do you feel as if the urge is coming from a different location in your body?
Edit: 3. The best way I can describe the groin pain location is to say it is toward the bottom of the inguinal groove, where the upper inner thigh and the lower abdomen connect; it feels like it sometimes radiates along that path by a centimeter or two, and sometimes also at the pubic tubercles. The abdominal pain I mentioned usually seems to be more or less halfway between the iliac crest and the center of the body but sometimes the pain is directly at the iliac crest. For those of you with PN/PNE experience, would you say these are unusual locations for PNE pain if there is no accompanying pain at the ischial spine or alcock canal?
Thanks for any answers.