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penile numbness and erectile dysfunction

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 4:49 am
by dockuda
I am glad I stumble on this community, a place where I seek to gain better understanding with this illness I have dealt with for about 7 years now.
I am 46 years old and suffer on a daily basis with pelvic pain, sacroiliac joint and piriformis pain. Most frustrating is the impact this has had on my sex life. My glans penis does not have any sexual sensation. Its like touching my finger instead of my penis. Additionally I am not able to discern hot or cold on my penis as well. There is also erectile dysfunction with no morning erections. At times I also experience post void dribbling , and suprapubic pain as my bladder is filling. I have been seen by several docs and no one knows the answer or how to treat this problem. I've also seen several physical therapist and rolfers. I am now at my wits end and having to deal with the reality that this is and will be my life. Are there any other men with similar experiences out there. Most importantly any suggestions for treatment? Thanks for all of your responses.

Re: penile numbness and erectile dysfunction

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:21 pm
by Andy_Pablo
Hi there. Sorry to hear of your symptoms. It is very difficult as men to be able to deal with & also talk about these issue. I have also had numb penis, erectile dysfunction, temperature regulation issues & severe pain in pelvis, penis, testicles, etc... Mine came about after long distance cycling. I was diagnosed with pudendal nerve entrapment & after medications & nerve blocks failed to help over the course of two years, I had pudendal nerve decompression surgery. My erectile disfunction has improved dramatically & I have 95% sensation to penis returned, however, the pain has definitely not improved enough to regain my life. I hope that you can get the help you need.

Re: penile numbness and erectile dysfunction

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:05 pm
by jamescooper
I am John Walker from the New York and I also facing these symptoms right now. My doctor suggests me to consult with the Neurologist to treat erectile dysfunction. I am Diabetic patient from the last 8 years.

Re: penile numbness and erectile dysfunction

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:23 pm
by needhelp872
I have been dealing with same issue for three years. I am 27 and this is destroying my life. I've seen the best urologists, pelvic PTs, and just got ganglion impar & superior hypogastric plexus nerve blocks. Still dealing with this issue.. very sad