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I need a surgeon who can release Obturator Internus tendon
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:47 pm
by RubberBand
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I was recently diagnosed by MR Neurography as having obturator internus syndrome where my left obturator internus muscle is severely atrophied and impinging my sciatic nerve - ouch! I also am having problems with my obturator nerve which runs through my obturator internus muscle. I don't have problems with my pudendal nerve thank goodness, but from my reading many people have pudendal nerve problems because of their obturator internus muscles, so I thought there may be someone on here who might have some suggestions.
I've had 2 doctors already tell me that the only solution for my problem is surgery, and that no amount of physical therapy will help this as my obturator internus muscle is too far gone (likely due to denervation).
I've found Dr. Hal Martin in Dallas and Dr. Aaron Filler in Los Angeles, and I need to contact Dr. Hashemi in Washington D.C. to see if he could do it. I've contacted many other surgeons who can do piriformis tendon release, but most can't do an obturator internus tendon release as it's deeper down.
Any suggestions for other surgeons to contact or reviews of the surgeons? BTW, I live in Minnesota.
Re: I need a surgeon who can release Obturator Internus tend
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:40 pm
by nyt
I also have severe obturator internus muscle atrophy on one side. The surgeon I see at the Vincera Institute told me it is too dangerous to fix the problem as he is concerned I would end up with more problems than what I already have. As you stated the problem is it is a deep muscle.
The only two physicians I can think of are Dr. Dellon or his partner Dr. Williams.
Can they do a sciatic decompression surgery instead of cutting the obturator internus muscle tendon? Are you sure cutting the obturator internus muscle tendon will give any relief to the problem?
Re: I need a surgeon who can release Obturator Internus tend
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:12 pm
by RubberBand
Hi nyt, thanks for the reply.
I've contacted Dr. Eric William's office and he said he couldn't do the surgery. So far I've found 3 surgeons who can: Dr. Aaron Filler in Los Angeles, Dr. Hal Martin in Dallas, and Dr. Shar Hashemi in Washington, D.C.
I've been told by several doctors that releasing the obturator internus tendon is the only way to release the impingement on my sciatic nerve. I had an MR neurography scan that shows I have severe sciatic nerve impingement at the level of my obturator internus tendon.
Yes, it is a dangerous surgery and this is why most doctors won't touch it. This tendon is very deep in the structures so they have a very small space to work in, and there is the sciatic nerve and a major artery and vein right there that could be nicked.
nyt, do you have sciatic nerve pain due to your atrophied obturator internus?
Re: I need a surgeon who can release Obturator Internus tend
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:24 pm
by nyt
I have some sciatic pain but most likely from my piriformis syndrome. My atrophied obturator internus effects my obturator nerve alot and my hip. My hip many times feels like it gets stuck and then I can crack it, then it feels fine.
You can use the search function in the upper right hand corner to find information about anyone who had surgery with the doctors you mentioned. I am not familiar with the name Dr. Shar Hashemi.
From the little bit of reading I did this morning compression of the sciatic nerve by the obturator internus muscle or tendon appears to be quite rare.
Keep us posted what you decide to do.
Re: I need a surgeon who can release Obturator Internus tend
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:58 am
by ColSkiier36
I had surgery with Dr Shar Hashemi, not the surgery that you are proposing but the ilioinguinal iliohypogastric and genitofemoral nerves were resected, my surgery provided me with great relief and he was an amazing surgeon. Others have complained of Dr. Filler. Good luck in whatever you choose