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Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:16 pm
by Rosemary
Just wanted to ask on here if anyone has had trouble with abdominal bloating having had vulva nerve pain for a while ?
I have had vulva nerve pain on my right hand side for over 5 years now during which time i have had daily burning pain and the muscles have gradually tightened in that area of the vulva. A physio told me in 2014 that my Obturator Internus muscle was tight.I've no idea what else is going on 'down there' nowadays.
I have recently started noticeably bloating out a lot in the abdomen after eating. My doctor has run the usual blood tests which are ok and says to start eliminating foods one at a time to try to find a reason.
I am just wondering if mucles in the abdomen start to become tight due to the vulva nerve pain and cause something tight in the abdomen to then cause the bloating ? It has come on gradually as the muscles in the vulva have tightened.
It may all be nothing to do with the vulva pain but i would just like to ask some of you who have some experience.
Thank you
Rosemary X

Re: Bloating

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 7:38 pm
by Pinklady
Hi Rosemary, I have bad abdominal bloating, I take Lyrica so probably due to weight gain, feeling fat all the time Thanks Joan

Re: Bloating

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:22 pm
by Rosemary
Thanks for your reply Pinklady. I have been told that weight gain is a factor that isn't helping as i have put on some weight around the middle. I feel like a balloon about to pop most of the time and it takes a long time to subside even a little.Worse after eating too.
Do you feel the nerve pain has anything to do with it as well ? i can feel misfiring every day and no longer know what is going on.
Rosemary x

Re: Bloating

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:16 am
by Violet M
I've had problems with abdominal cramping and bloating all my life. Taking magnesium citrate daily has helped more than anything else since it helps prevent constipation. I don't know for sure what's going on in your case but possibly with your pelvic floor muscles being tight it's harder for you to relax and have normal BM's and maybe that is causing you to get backed up a bit.


Re: Bloating

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:42 pm
by GraceUnderFire
I had the same issue. Turns out a lot of meds prescribed for PN/E can cause gastroparesis. Not well or I would explain further but lots of info out there. Feel better!

Re: Bloating

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:27 am
by Rosemary
Thanks Violet and Grace
My BMs are okish at the moment but i do wonder if nerves further up are affected and causing a back up somewhere.
I am not taking medication at the moment for the vulva pain. Gave up over about 20 months ago to see if it made any difference to pain. So i can't blame any medication.
The doc gave me some mint pills and i am trying cutting out wheat flour for starters to see if that helps.
The pain makes you feel miserable enough about yourself let alone having bloating as well.
Thanks again for your replies.
Rosemary x

Re: Bloating

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:52 pm
by greentree
Bloating is from gas. Gas is produced by normal intestinal bacteria after eating foods high in soluble fiber (oats, barley, legumes, some fruits, broccoli, cabbage...) and in some people after consuming fructose (fruits...) or lactose (milk). Bloating causes pressure and pain in the abdomen and possibly in the pelvis.

A low-FODMAP diet eliminates most of the nutrients mentioned above. You do not need to follow a strict low-FODMAPs diet, it's not like eliminating allergens or gluten, it's just decreasing certain nutrients that produce gas.

Constipation can cause gas, because bacteria degrade substances in the stool that stays in your bowel. To avoid constipation, you can try to avoid stress, drink enough water and foods with insoluble fiber (whole grains and vegetables) and be physically active.

Re: Bloating

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 11:26 am
by Rosemary
Thank you for the link Greentree i have read it and will look into it further. At the moment i am starting to cut out the gluten to try that. Don't know whether you are in the UK or not but there was a small trial done on a TV programme called "Trust Me I'm a Doctor" the other evening. After participants were 6 weeks gluten free there was a difference found in that bloating and flatulence were reduced. Many decided to carry on gluten free after the trial.
I will give this a few weeks then look into your suggestion. I do think as you get older you develop food intolerances. Happily i do not seem to be intolerant to Prosecco yet and it takes some vulva pain away as well !
Rosemary X