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PN caused by pushing too hard During bowel movement?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 3:03 am
by Ashley2486
I read somewhere that you can get PN from straining and pushing too hard when constipated... How does this cause it? I am wondering if this is what could have contributed to my issues. About a month ago I was pretty constipated and I was pushing and now it seems like my symptoms as far as having bowel movements is worse... What happens if you did something to the nerve from straining? Has anyone gotten PN due to this?

Re: PN caused by pushing too hard During bowel movement?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 10:12 pm
by Violet M
Hi Ashley,

It wouldn't necessarily be due to one straining incident but more likely chronic straining causing your pelvic floor muscles to be overly tense and contracted, irritating the nerve. Chronic straining and pushing could also cause a stretch injury to the nerve. You might find the following page on the website helpful.
