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PNE without pain. Bowel movement. Bladder

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:40 pm
by GreenManu
hi guys, i am new here and i have a question (sorry for my bad english)

i dont know if i PNE because i dont have any pain (just at very very few moments i feel a little pain in my colon, but i dont know....)

do you have , or do you know from someone (maybe in this forum here) who has pne without having much pain?

my problem number one is my bladder and my bowel movements. i have urine retention and have much much problems passing stool. it feels like it is stuck (and it actually is) near the end of my colon.
i also have not the urge going to the toilet.

why i guess that i may have pnE: my coccyx(tailbone) is bent far to the right side so that is damn near the alcock canal (pudendus canalis). my tailbone touches my Sacrotuberous ligament.
my tailbone is 90 degree inwards and is bent to the left.

but i dont have pain. even when i sit alot. so i dont know if i am completly wrong going through the trouble to get my tailbone fixed, because i have no clear answer.

so my question is: do you know anyone who has trouble with bowel and bladder and has a PNE but also no pain (or maybe litte?)

i am very glad for your answers

Re: PNE without pain. Bowel movement. Bladder

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:14 am
by Violet M
Hi Green,

I typed a really long answer from my iphone yesterday and then lost it so I'll try to remember what I said before.

I can't think of anyone I have known with PNE who had the same symptoms as you but everyone is different. This article describes what symptoms are typical with PNE. ... iteria.pdf

Did you have some sort of injury to your coccyx or has it always been bent that way? It seems like if it is impinging on one trunk of your pudendal nerve on one side of your body that the other pudendal nerve trunk on the other side would still be intact and you would still have some function but I could be wrong. There is something called cauda equina syndrome that interferes with bowel and bladder function but I am guessing you probably already had imaging (MRI maybe?) to rule that out.

You can have pudendal neuropathy without pain, meaning that your motor function is affected but PNE is more specific and difficult to diagnose. There is an article that describes what type of incontinence you would have if you have pudendal neuropathy.
You might want to check out the website to see if there is any additional information there.


Re: PNE without pain. Bowel movement. Bladder

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:16 am
by wannagetbetter
Hi Green,

I do have urinary retention and some difficulty passing stool. My urinary retention began as burning and frequency but has switched to this and numbness.

Re: PNE without pain. Bowel movement. Bladder

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:22 am
by GreenManu
- yes i had a bad fall on my coccyx but i dont remember and i cant put my finger on the time where the whole mess started. and the doctors all say that they dont think that my coccyx is the reason but they dont do test either

-how are your bowel problems, wannagetbetter?

especially my bowel problems torture me. it feels like stool gets stuck on the way out and i have to strain very hard (what is not allowed) to get it out. :x

Re: PNE without pain. Bowel movement. Bladder

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:41 am
by Violet M
Can you take something like miralax or magnesium citrate to keep your stools the consistency of applesauce so they don't get stuck and you don't have to strain?


Re: PNE without pain. Bowel movement. Bladder

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:43 pm
by chenonceau
Hey, any update of these two posters ? (@GreenManu and @wannagetbetter)