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Trigger Point Injections?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:32 am
by LindseyD
I wasn't sure where to post this... I'm hesitant to just bc I get so overwhelmed. Anyway, here it goes. Due to having PN, and all of my symptoms that goes along with it,the pain from urethral area and up, various female pain and some pgad,pressure always over that area too, my women's PT who works with special cases sent me to the obgyn she basically works with. I had a visit with him and I really liked him... he seemed to know his stuff... anyway, he wants to do trigger point injections in my vagina in my painful areas and also to that along with my physical therapy. It makes me very nervous. I don't want it to cause more problems. Especially with arousal pain or female pain period. He has done many of these. But I'm still nervous. But I can't seem to find a lot of research on trigger point injections done vaginally, even when u already have arousal pain issues. Is this done often?

Re: Trigger Point Injections?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:44 am
by Violet M
Lindsey, the use of TPI's for pelvic floor tension is not uncommon but I can understand why you would be nervous. I think I would be less nervous with an experienced doctor but still these injections are not entirely without risk. I can remember at least one woman who developed PGAD after having trigger point injections (TPI's). ... 461#p40461
From what I understand they inject an anesthetic like lidocaine into the muscle and that allows the PT to work on the muscles to get them to relax. I can't remember anyone getting cured this way but it can provide temporary relief. If TPI's are temporarily successful some docs will inject Botox which lasts longer but is still a temporary fix. I guess I would ask the physician how many women he has treated with TPI's, what the success rate is, what the risks are, and how long the treatment lasts. If you feel like the cause of your pain is tense, overly contracted pelvic floor muscles without some other underlying cause it might be worth trying, but if you feel like there is some other underlying cause I don't know if it's worth it.


Re: Trigger Point Injections?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:37 am
by LindseyD
Violate, I remember this post when I read it about a year ago. I've always remembered it and that story is the very reason why I am so aprehensive. She tried many things,but I remember checking and I never did notice her updating if anything ever helped. Plus she didn't even have vaginal issues to begin with. It was a tpi for ic. Which caused her issue,as it says. I know I have tight pelvic muscles. My psoas muscle is also in spasm. A lot of my pain is due from what I believe , my cystoscopy,bladder surgery and femoral hernia repair. My dr. Who will be doing this procedure believes that too. He actually mentioned he believed that without me having to even say that's what I believed. I don't know what an underlying cause would be. I just wish I knew the success rate of women with arousal disorders or PN disorders being helped by tpi. I can't find out too much.

Re: Trigger Point Injections?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:57 pm
by Patty
I have had multiple trigger point injections done vaginally followed by PT. the injections are brutal. Extremely painful. I would have 4-5 hours of zero pain but by the next day pain right back again. Not worth the time money or energy so I stopped. At this point I stopped all treatment.

Re: Trigger Point Injections?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:54 pm
by LindseyD
Patty wrote:I have had multiple trigger point injections done vaginally followed by PT. the injections are brutal. Extremely painful. I would have 4-5 hours of zero pain but by the next day pain right back again. Not worth the time money or energy so I stopped. At this point I stopped all treatment.
Did it even help with the physical therapy?

Re: Trigger Point Injections?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:05 pm
by LindseyD
Did it cause more vaginal pain after the initial injection pain during injection?

Re: Trigger Point Injections?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:47 pm
by Patty
Like I said brutal pain during the injection which is short lived because then the lidocaine kicks in and the area is numb. PT immediately after feel good for a few hours then right back to pain again. They the docs told me sometimes the injection gets the muscle to stop spasming and can give long lasting relief but not the case with me.

Re: Trigger Point Injections?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:19 am
by LindseyD
Patty wrote:Like I said brutal pain during the injection which is short lived because then the lidocaine kicks in and the area is numb. PT immediately after feel good for a few hours then right back to pain again. They the docs told me sometimes the injection gets the muscle to stop spasming and can give long lasting relief but not the case with me.
Is it important to see your PT the day of or is it okay to do it the morning after?