Dr Potter MRI Results ??

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Dr Potter MRI Results ??

Post by Findtheway »

My Mri results

Impressions: MRI of the pelvis,demonstrates no entrapment of the pudendal nerves at the level of the ligaments or within the Alcocks canal.Coccyx is deviated slightly to the right of the midline, and is somewhat anteriorly angulated, likely to remote trama. There is minimal scarring of the perineum at the level of the superficial transverse perineal muscles. No entrapment to the dorsal nerves to the penis is identified. Somewhat prominent pelvic vasculature is noted; however, no frank varicosities are identified within the Alcocks Canal. Degenerative changes are noted at the pubic symphysis, and there is mild subchondral irregularity along both sacroiliac joints.

Im thinking that the scarring of the superficial transverse perineal muscles could be causing my urination symptoms which are urinary hesitancy and weak urine stream. Not sure if this or what could be causing my decreased penile sensation and orgasm.

Have lots of pain in lower lumbar back area that goes down my left sacroiliac area. I have a diffused disc bulge at L4/L5
& a mild disc bulge at L5-S1 that was noted on a recent Lumbar MRI. I dont know if there is anything I could do about the disc bulges or the subchondral irregularity along my sacroiliac joint that can be causing my pain??

Any insight or help with my results would be much appreciated.

I'll be seeing a neurologist on Friday to see if he has any answers for me also.
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Re: Dr Potter MRI Results ??

Post by stephanies »


I don't know much about lumbar or back issues and what is considered significant on an MRI. Maybe others can chime in on the MRI findings. Have you been evaluated by a urologist and a pelvic floor physical therapist for your pelvic/urinary issues?

PN started 2004 from fall. Surgery with Filler Nov. 2006, Dr. Campbell April 2007. Pain decreased by 85% in 2008 (rectal and sitting pain resolved completely), pain returned in 12/13. Pain reduced significantly beginning around 11/23.
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