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Help to contact with doctors in France

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:13 am
by maixba
Hello everyone!
Sorry for my bad English. I'm writing email to your from Vietnam. I have a pain in the pelvic floor, it started around 6 months ago. I came to hospital and after carrying some diagnostics included Imaging studies using MRI, Doctors said that it is pudendal nerve entrapment. Therefore I've got into the hospital for treatment. The doctor injected Triamcinolone into the Alcock canal.
After the first treatment, there wasn't any pain relief. therefore, after 02 months I was in hospital for re-injection Triamcinolone in to the Aclock canal. The second treatment wasn't effective, there isn't any pain relief. The doctor said that I need an surgery decompression. Unfortunately in Vietnam such surgery is not available.

My life started worse and worse since I has a pain, I don't want to stop working due to such disable pain. I'm trying to get treatment abroad. I search in the website and I try to contact with Prof Roger Robert at and Dr Eric Bautrant by email and by telephone provided. however , there was any success.
I contact with CHU Nantes, they said that Prof Robert did not work for CHU Nantes anymore, he works for his private hospital.

I’m very appreciate if you could give me the helps to contact with these doctors.

Best Regards,