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Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:26 am
by openup
Hello to everyone who wants to see or Needs to see Dr Hibner, he had a motorcycle crash a couple weeks ago.
He is an amazing doctor and always pushing to have new and better ways to assist in the treatment/surgery for
us patients with PN/PNE and PFMT. The second Specialist in his office Dr Mario Castellanos is an amazing doctor as well.
He is very compassionate, thorough, knowledgeable. I am very thankful for having him to handle my care!

Many people feel as though they MUST wait to see Dr Hibner, even before his accident occurred, no matter the time constraints.

Dr Castellanos has trained under Dr Hibner, has worked side by side with him, and they do consult as an entire team, on a consistent
and weekly manner so you all should feel equally comfortable to set an appointment with him and change your entire care over to him.

I understand that we all get so desperate and so SET on the "who where how when" when it comes to our path to treatment/diagnosing
for our PN/ PNE. I had to get a type of Decompression surgery that Dr Hibner had NEVER needed to do, so he took part in MY SURGERY along
side of Dr Castellanos. That is the kind of team they are. Like I was saying earlier, each patient's care plan is discussed in weekly meetings
if that eases your mind as well.

I just felt like leaving this testimony where Dr Castellanos' level and quality of care is concerned to give yourself
an opportunity to get your treatment plan started sooner.
Please give him a chance.


Re: Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:23 am
by ezer
Wow! I hope Dr. Hibner recovers completely. Everybody seems to agree that he is very pleasant, warm, and compassionate.
Regarding the second part of you post, I still see no evidence that Dr. Hibner and his team are more successful than any other team at helping people with PN.

Re: Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:41 am
by Violet M
Thanks for posting this info, Openup. I'm very sad to hear about Dr. Hibner's accident and I hope he will recover completely and quickly. He has been a lifesaver to so many people and is a very kind man. If you can keep us posted we would really appreciate it.

I fear that even if someone is willing to see Dr. Castellanos instead, they might have a longer wait than they would have otherwise. I also hope Dr. Castellanos doesn't get worn out taking on Dr. Hibner's patients.


Re: Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:52 pm
by Ray P.
Any details on how bad he is hurt??????????


Re: Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:35 pm
by Emily B
Poor Dr. Hibner! He's such a compassionate man and I hope he has a quick recovery.

Emily B.

Re: Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:02 pm
by openup
Sorry to say that I have no details on his exact condition as of yet.

If I learn any details I will pass it on.

Ezer, it was not my intention to make it sound like Dr Hibner's medical practice is in any way the better of all choices
in the states. My real intent was just to let people know that Dr Mario Castellanos is a great doctor and not feel too discouraged as Dr Hibner recovers.

A medical assistant in their office felt bad that people (maybe on this forum) don't seem to realize there is a great doctor here, working side by side with Dr Hibner. Maybe not as seasoned, but just as committed to the care of those with PN PNE PFMT CPP, etc. Just for background info I do not struggle with anything other than PN and Pelvic Floor Muscle Tension myalgia so I cannot speak to ALL that Dr Castellanos specializes in, since I haven't needed his care for anything but THAT.

That's all I was trying to convey. He has done all of the procedures that Dr Hibner has done.

Sincerest wishes for better health for all of us, Openup

Re: Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:39 pm
by nyt
Thank you for sharing this information about Dr. Hibner. For me, he was willing to try anything to help with my CRPS, more so than any other doctor. He never was afraid to try something new and one of the few pelvic pain specialists that is innovative.

Thank you letting patients seeking treatment know wonderful physician and person Dr. Castellanos is. I met him when he was still a Fellow under Dr. Hibner, probably 5 years ago now. I am not sure everyone knows about him.

Prayers are sent for Dr. Hibner's recovery.

Re: Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:13 am
by Blossum
I am so devastated to hear about Dr Hibner.... I pray he will recover from this. I remember very clearly Dr Hibner and my husband talking about their "bikes", my husband rides as well. Dr Hibner has helped me tremendously with PN decompression. I am 100% better from PNE now and I owe it all to Dr H. He is a very compassionate and caring human being. Please keep us updated on his condition.

Re: Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:37 am
by quilter
I don't have specifics but have been speking with Dr. H's staff recently, hoping to see him on the way to or from NM since I plan a layover to walk anyway. Can't handle 3+ hours trapped in a plane since the airlines won't let me stand in the galley the past few years. He's back to work part-time, and they all reassure me he's recovering well from surgery (don't know on what). Have met Dr. Castellanos (he assisted in my 2007 surgery) and later Dr. Desai. He trained them both, and he's a very kind, intelligent, compassionate doctor.

Re: Dr Hibner has a LONG recovery from Motorcycle Crash

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:05 am
by Violet M
Thanks for the update, Quilter. Good to know that Dr. Hibner is doing better. :)
