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Need help with disability claim, please.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:18 am
by GregT
Hello everyone. Long time. I got a phone call from an old PN friend who is having a hard time with her disability claim with her employer. She lives near New York City and Philadelphia and she's asked me if I know of any care providers who can help to conclusively confirm that she does suffer from PN. She had surgery in France twice, once with Robert and once with Bautrant, and has since tried many other modalities to try and get pain relief. She's in her mid-50s and is having a hard time continuing to work.
Can anyone please take some time to think of names of health care providers who might be able to help shore up her diagnoses in order to help her with her disability claim. She's always been an ultra-private person and has never posted on any of the websites over the years. I've known her for approximately 12-13 years and I would really like to help her with this problem. I've just not been involved with who's who in the PN world for a while now.
Thanks to anyone for your help.
Re: Need help with disability claim, please.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:46 am
by Violet M
Dr. Echenberg practices in Bethlehem, PA and NYC. Very kind doctor and I'm quite certain he would be willing to help her. My guess is she would have to see him for a diagnosis though. He's on the list of physicians that can be accessed from the homepage at
Re: Need help with disability claim, please.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:40 pm
by Mod 15
Greg, does she have a disability attorney? If so is this attorney asking for her to see someone to get her a better documented diagnosis in her medical record? If not, is she is trying to do this on her own? If she is trying to do this on her own she really needs to get a good disability attorney. PM me if she is doing this without an attorney and I will reach out to my disability attorney and see if he knows anyone in NYC he would recommend.
Re: Need help with disability claim, please.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:47 pm
by stephanies
Maybe Dr. Andrew Goldstein at his NY office or Dr. Marvel in MD?
Re: Need help with disability claim, please.
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:08 am
by janetm2
Fyi Dr Marvel may not be willing to help unless he has changed in regard to disability or maybe it was just my case?. After my surgery in May 2011 and I was not returning to work after a month he said I should be evaluated for disability but he did not do that and referred me to a pain dr. Fortunately I got help through that group for Family Medical Leave Act to get Leave without pay to keep my job and other PT, drs, etc to get me better enough to work enough and hopefully retire next year. Good luck and if Dr Echenberg does paperwork like that he seems like a better choice from input others have said about him being kind, etc.
Re: Need help with disability claim, please.
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:32 pm
by GregT
Thank you everyone for the very informative posts. I'll pass them along to this woman and I'm sure they'll be of great help to her.
Re: Need help with disability claim, please.
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:32 pm
by ARM204
I'm the one about whom Greg has written about. So grateful for all of your replies. I'll PM you if I have further questions. Thank you again for your kindness!