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Three years in pain, no help from doctors!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:44 pm
by vanko
Hello everyone, I decided to share my story full of disappointments, hopelessness, desperation, depression and so on.
I'm 39 male living in Ireland. I was working hard trough the years with a job often involving lifting of a heavy objects often working in a bended posture. Sometimes in the frosty nights in the winters starting at 2-3am and finishing at around 6pm. Some days after getting home at around 7pm receiving a phone call to go back on site to continue from at around 9pm to 12am and to be called out again at 2-3am to work again trough the day to finish at around 6-7pm, so sometimes working with no sleep between the days. This has effected my back and one of them nights in November 2010 after 9 hours (forced to work) with no break, no food, I was so exhausted, my back was overworked and suddenly got sore like never before and I left the site in severe pain. After a day resting I continued working with the pain only not to lose my job. After few weeks in pain I visited my GP and he referred me to a specialist. Shortly I lost my job.
In April 2011 MRI scan was performed on a lumbar spine. The report was very short stating that I have small protrusion at L5-S1 (nothing else was mentioned!!!!!). According to this interpretation I had no problem and the doctors didn't pay attention to my pain. I believe I didn't receive adequate diagnose and the result of this was stabbing pain like someone is sticking a knife in to my pelvic lasted for about 20 min. (November 2011) to become constant on the next day to present. Most of the time the pain is dull, sometimes with electric shock like in perineum to penis. It's getting worse after defecation with muscle spasms too. If sitting, the pain spreading through my pelvic and it's going to my penis. I don't sit at all in the last three years. The pain is getting worse even if I'm standing for some time and becomes burning too. Driving my car for even 5 minutes is giving me more pain. After taking a shower or light household physical activity also triggers the pain. Shaking my head, coughing, sneezing also can make the pain worse. In the same time the more my back is sore the more pain I have in my pelvic and penis.
I believe all this was the result of the unprofessional interpretation of the MRI and how Doctors underestimated my back issues and the pain from my lower back somehow referred to sacral/pelvic area to bring me to the edge of the desperation.
At the beginning I was treated for Haemorrhoids using Suppositories for a month with no help. I was referred to a "specialist" in December 2011 (proctologist). That doctor also didn't take as a consideration my lower back issues, He decided that I have prostate problem and prescribed me Ciprofloxacin without any proper tests and examinations that can proof prostate inflammation or infection.
After I started taking that antibiotic I got very sick, my immune system got weak, I had a headache, I had pain all over my body, pain in my muscles, joints, my beard turned white in spots for just one-two weeks, the pain I had in the pelvic got unbearable.
I was in agony for weeks, I was in a nightmare begging Doctors for help.
I was in severe pain 24/7, I wasn't able to do anything, I just was laying on the bad nearly screaming because of the pain all over my body. There was time of days or weeks I wasn't able to go outside for a walk even, couldn't talk, couldn't sleep sometimes, there was no joy but only pain and all I wanted not to be alive.
I went to ER one day, I was waiting 12 hours (from 4pm to 4am-not sitting) to be let in and left on a bed for another 3-4 hours. I was dying in pain standing 12 hours in such a pain, I wanted to get on the roof and to jump down in front of the ER entrance only someone to see how despaired I am. In the same time drunk teenagers were coming in the department and were seen strait away and later disturbing people who are waiting for hours. The doctors didn't pay attention to my back problems as a possible cause of the pain in my pelvic. Only blood tests were done. They told me the results are all good but gave me more antibiotics, whyyyy???
In April 2012 - An EMG test on legs was performed - Nerves within limits (nothing else was mentioned!!!!!).
My partner and I were tested for STI, all results came back negative but that was the only doctor in Ireland who told me that my pain is referred from my back.
Cystoscopy was performed in June 2012 - no abnormalities were seen in prostate or bladder.
I was referred to neurologist but I was told from the department that this will take two - two and a half years, ...whaaat??? Still waiting by the way!
Meanwhile I couldn't wait for a months and years to see a doctor and I decided to go abroad for some tests.
For only few days I saw over four doctors who confirmed that I have no painful prostate, no bacterial infection was found in semen, no abnormalities were seen in the rectum after Proctoscopy and Colonoscopy. An EMG test showed: Front and back root changes at L5-S1 on both sides, slightly lighter at L3-L4. F-waves L5 are significantly reduced to none at all on the left side. H-reflexes S1 on both sides are significantly reduced and so on...(Completely different picture to the first EMG in Ireland)
According to the symptoms and nothing else found, the doctors told me that the pain is referred from my lower back.
Recently I have sent away the MRI images from April 2011 for second opinion. I received very detailed report explaining everything in details and the most importantly what was NOT mentioned from the radiologist in Ireland: At L4-L5 there is significant rupture of the right side of the annulus fibrosus, showing high intensity zone which occupies partially the foramina narrowing it and in contact with L4 root and so on...Disc Herniation at L5-S1 and so on...
Again completely different picture to the first MRI report - both specialists examined exactly the same MRI images!!!!!
Now, how come the doctors here don't show the reality of my problems and to bring me to the stage of desperation and thinking of a committing a suicide....
All these wrong diagnoses and wrong treatments I find as unacceptable as they extended the time of my recovery and even made my condition worse. All this ruined my future plans, my life and even my relationship. I spend all my savings and I have nothing now. I don't have even a diagnose for my pelvic pain and the doctors do nothing about it. They don't even focus on this problem. I find this so unprofessional and looks like they know nothing about it or ...I don't know....
They trying to tell me that nerve damage/inflammation in the spine can not effect the Pudental nerve but they also giving me an example with a garden hose if it's pressed the water flow will be reduced or stopped explaining me that the nerves work in the same way. Well, how come?
In fact after reading trough the web I see more and more people with back problems describing the symptoms of Pudental nerve inflammation.
Along with the sacral/pelvic pain I have low back pain, pain going down in my legs, sometimes electric shock like, sharp pain in heels, pain in my foot, muscle spasms, muscle twitching/vibrating, numbness mostly on right leg with pins and needles, burning feeling etc.

I would be very grateful if someone could tell me for a doctor who is familiar with Pudental nerve issues.
I'm sorry for the long post!

Re: Three years in pain, no help from doctors!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:45 pm
by Bertie
Hi ......I havnt read all,of your post just skimmed it as I am off to bed, but have you tried in Dublin there is a physio called Maeve Whellen or Wellen she is one of the top pelvic pain specialists I would investigate seeing her.

Re: Three years in pain, no help from doctors!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:45 am
by vanko
Hi Bertie, Thanks for trying to help. I know the place and I was attending the clinic for few months. I had a lot of muscle tension in my pelvic and the physiotherapy really helps but I can't afford it anymore. They are great people by the way and they helped me more than the doctors did. I know what my problem is but I need a doctor to give me a proper diagnose and to receive the proper treatment but now I'm on the wrong way over three years. It's a some kind of a nightmare, I can't believe this is happening. They really don't get my problem seriously. Few days ago I was on a physiotherapy I was referred to for first time in the last three years. They were showing me relaxation techniques, how to breathe etc. ...that's a joke. I got home with more pain after the whole journey.
I'm trying to do exercising at home, stretching, using TENS machine, Pilates machine. I also have the book "A headache in the pelvis" but as I said the pain is aggravated very easy and I can't do much.

Re: Three years in pain, no help from doctors!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:47 am
by Amanda

I have sent you a PM hopefully with good advice you can get some tips to go to the right centre for help