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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:18 am
by clo236
I hate coming to you all like this but i'm feeling really desperate, some of you might remember some of my posts before. Basically over a year and a half on from when I first damaged the nerve i'd say I had improved by 60-70 percent. I normally just get pain in the perineal area.

Something really bad happened though tonight, I was wearing standing at a party when I went to take a step back but I hadn't realised that my heel was basically broken and I wobbled and fell on the wooden floor. I mean I tried my best to fall towards the left hand side.... I damaged the nerve on the right hand side.

It didn't even feel like a massive high impact fall either as my knees sort of buckled. But I still fell to the ground. About 10hrs on and im in a serious amount of pain. Is this definitely more damage. I don't know what to do im in a serious amount of pain and don't really have any pain killers

Have I damaged the nerve more??


Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:45 pm
by janetm2
Certainly I am no doctor so you could have done more damage or highly flared the nerve. I had PNE left surgery in 2011 and fell on my left butt cheek in July this year. I have had pelvic instability since the surgery it took 2-3 years to stabilize things and then the fall through me back out of whack and the day I was hurting pretty bad. I am still trying to recover going to PT, acupuncture and even chiro. Anyway I also recently went to the pain center and they requested I get and MRI due to the fall and "not getting better quick enough" although I was getting better but the MRI now flared me. I think any unsettling event may flare us at a minimun but you may need to be checked for other things. The alignment went out for me in a previous fall but it was not as bad. The MRI was for my back I think becauses she did not know about PNE and the pelvic issues. I agreed to the MRI because you never do know if something else could have been affected. So sorry you are in pain without meds and hope it calms down and you can get a doctor to evaluate to try and determine what is wrong or at least get you some meds!


Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:30 pm
by clo236
Hi Janet,

I'm so sorry that you fell again after your surgery. It irritates me how careful we all are but we still manage to fall due to a freak accident after getting so much better.
Would you say that thy surgery improved you, then the fall made it worse?

Did the docs ever determine if the fall wall caused you more damage to the nerve?
I suppose its a bit of a waiting game in terms of determining if this was a flare or not for a few weeks.
Do you still suffer a lot of pain today

Many Thanks,

Chloe xx


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:26 am
by janetm2
Hi Chloe,
The surgery improved me and the fall just set me back a bit, still better than pre-surgery but still a flare. I did not do nerve damage with the fall really my pain is mostly pelvic alignment pain the nerve flare today could be due to the flare after the MRI and probably my extra baking and cooking on Saturday. I do try to be careful as you said but there will be better and worse days. I am having off and on pain so took a pill and using ice. Overall I have done well and am thankful I can still work enough to keep my job and my hubby is wonderful, tonight was takeout chinese food so I could relax and hope to make it to work in the morning. Hubby also will drive me to work as driving is still one of the tougher challenges since surgery. Hang in there and wishing you a quick recovery!