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4th Surgery

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:34 am
by n4061
It has been a while since I posted but thought some would be interested in my wife's fourth surgery in 12 months. A quick history: Suffering 2.5 years, diagnosed 1.5 years ago. First surgery right piriformus muscle - no success. Second surgery was bi-lateral piriformus and obertrator internus - six weeks post surgery everything looked good then all hell broke loose. Third surgery - nerve shifted and was laying on one of the sacral ligaments. Ligaments cut but no relief. We stayed on Dr. filler to determine why and he performed four injections back at the original piriformus surgical location and for the first time ever she got significant pain relief though short term. We all agreed to one final attempt. This time she has seen significant pain relief that is holding for two weeks. She does have significant sciatic nerve pain on one leg which is worse than the PN pain. On steroids for inflammation and hoping it calms down. Having been down this road before we are not declaring success but a little optimistic. Bottom line for all suffers is "don't give up" and stay on the doctors butt to find the entrapment. Dr. Filler told us that in 300 plus PN surgeries he has never had to go as far up the muscle as he did with Maria. Will keep you posted.

Re: 4th Surgery

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:11 pm
by nyt
I am glad to here that so far the surgery appears to have given your wife some relief. Will pray that it continues to do so. Just an FYI. I also have sciatica and mine is due to piriformis syndrome. I would not be surprised if that is contributing to your wifes problem. The piriformis has been a bear to keep under control but finally have found a routine that keeps things settled down, if I don't I get terrible sciatica, esp. in my heels that is so painful I can barely walk. Not that any of this will help your wife's sciatica but this is what I do to keep my piriformis syndrome under control. I get trigger point injections into the piriformis, it use to be once/month for almost 1 year but now every 2-3 months, weekly massage by a well trained massage therapist, class four cold laser treatments - usually weekly (the class three cold lasers are not powerful enough to go as deep as the piriformis must be a class four, have tried both), daily use of a TENS unit, chiropractic adjustments 1-2/week because the spasms of the piriformis throws my pelvis and right leg out of alignment. Keep the faith and she is very fortunate to have a husband that stands beside her. Thanks for the update. Merry Christmas.

Re: 4th Surgery

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:57 pm
by Violet M
It must be very difficult for you to watch your wife suffering like this -- I think you are awesome to stay by her and offer your support.

I hope this surgery will be successful for her and that you will both be able to get back to a normal life. Try to get her to take it easy and not overdo things! ;)

Re: 4th Surgery

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:05 am
by abmia22
What steroids is your wife taking? What is the strength?

Re: 4th Surgery

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:31 am
by n4061
Maria was on a 7 day Medral Pak then 30 Day Predisone (10mg @ 3xday for 10 days, 2xday for 10 days, 1xday for 10 days). If she had not been through enough on 12/23 I rushed to the ER for a swollen incision that turned out to be a hematoma (internal bleeding). Kaiser Hospital would not touch after 10 hrs. I called Dr. Filler at midnight to advise and he pulled some strings at Cedars Sinia for an emergency surgery on 12/24. Spent one night in the hospital and came home on 12/25. She is doing better except for the new Sciatic nerve pain in both legs with left side killer her. Just when the PN pain appears to be getting better she gets hit with this. We are going in for a MR Neurogaphy Thursday followed by an office visit Friday. I only pray he doesn't say she needs another surgery to correct this pain. All the pain is below the knee to the big toe. I did find some educational reading on Wikipedia under Piriformas Sciatic Nerve. She does have the rare split nerve they discuss. Hope this helps others. Despite all the set backs she has had Dr. Filler has stuck with us and to his credit appears to have found the PN problem. Her pain is 50% better and could live without medication if not for the sciatic pain. There is hope for all out there. Stay persistent and don't give up the fight.

Re: 4th Surgery

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:29 pm
by nyt
Boy, it can be hard when you take 2 steps forward and 1.5 steps backwards. Glad her hematoma has been taken care of but sorry your Xmas was disrupted. Let us know how your visit goes and what the MRN shows. Let's hope no more surgery and she has a spasming piriformis muscle that is causing the sciatica.

Re: 4th Surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:24 pm
by n4061
Just when you think things can not get worse Maria had to have emergency Hematoma surgery to her right incision area. A torn muscle very close to the area of surgery. Dr. Filler pulled out all the stops for us getting us in at Cedars Sania on Christmas Eve after Kaiser turned us away on December 23rd. Unreal. Three months later are we are still chasing the new sciatic pain below both knees but we are getting close. Her PN pain while fluctuating is still 50% better. One thing about Dr. Filler is that he has not given up on us. He is a smart man and tries his best. Looking back I don't know if we would have elected surgery knowing what we know now but she was desperate. I still struggle to find post surgery results on this web-site. Are they located somewhere special?

To all spouses that are supporting their loved ones, remain clam and pray together, it does help! We are still in deep trouble but together we will survive this.

Re: 4th Surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:07 am
by helenlegs 11
I do hope things keep on improving, sounds like you have both been through enough now. Send her my good wishes from a fellow piriformis/sciatic/pn'er.

Re: 4th Surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:03 am
by Violet M
N, It's been a long journey for you two but I admire you for staying together.

Most people post their surgery results in the case update section or in the success story section if their surgery was a success.

Re: 4th Surgery

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:29 am
by hamerin
How long before surgery can I get a tattoo? I am having arthroscopic knee surgery in the beginning of the summer and wondering if I can get a tattoo before then. I only ask because the last time I had this surgery, one of the pre-op questions involved tattoos. At the time I wasn't concerned with the issue, so I didn't think to ask. I appreciate any responses from those familiar with this issue. Thank you.