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How to survive with no help

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:41 am
by jaxi123
What are we supposed to do if you are 8 yrs away from retirement and fully support yourself and have no family to help you survive?
From what I understand during the 2 yr appeal process you can not make more than $4000 per yr or have to prove you can not do not work at all. Who can survive on that little when you pretty much in a drs office weekly?

Re: How to survive with no help

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:39 pm
by blightcp
Honestly, I wend out on disability and I cashed out my 401K, I hated doing it but I was enough that I could survive untill the battle is done with both social security and private disability policy from my employer.

The biggest thing I would say before you stop working is, make sure that you get it in writing from you doctor that the pain is chronic and or permanent and he is putting you out of work to heal. My Dr. also said that continuing to work was detrimental to my health, as working in front of a desk was what was making my PN worse. From my understanding this is enough to keep the 10% penalty and use it for taxes.

My church and friends have been a huge help, we received grocery cards and went to the local food banks. It was weird going to the places we had previously donated to, but they were nice and helped us keep the spending down to what I would get from social security.

Re: How to survive with no help

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:23 pm
by Ray P.
I have not been working since 2002.
I am by myself with house rent in Ca.
I have been doing different things to supplement my income, which is only $1041 a month.
I am not one of those people with PNE that can sit and walk easily, problems in feet also.
I took care of a neighbor for a couple of years that had Parkinson's
I made $125 a week. LOL
It was better then nothing.
I picked up a hobby since about 2007.
I collect old radios; I sell some and make a few bucks.
I also help people rent or sell things on CL and make a few bucks.
I am always looking for some way to make some money.
Lucky I have some savings also.

Re: How to survive with no help

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:55 am
by jaxi123
I find it odd nobody has responded on how to survive during the 18 months of fighting appeals,etc.

I assume plenty of patients have filed for disability.

Re: How to survive with no help

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:55 am
by jaxi123
Still wondering why few people responded as to how they got on disability.