older women, surgery, nerve injections
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:46 pm
I have had pudendal pain for 7 years now and I am 70 years old. I have been getting transvaginal injection for over a year now. They would give me about 2 days of relief, I am so grateful for finding a doctor to help me. But nothing last forever it seems and the injections are less effective now . I found a doctor to give me CT guided injections even though he was quite honest, he had never done them before for pudendal pain. I have had 3 done, they were of no help. I am scheduled for one more, and then I think it will be time for me to find someone else for help/ I really like this doctor and I know he is so sincere about wanting to help me. I was referred to Doctor Hibner and have registered at his office for a possible consultation. I have not acted any further. You see I am 70 years old and have lived with chronic pain for 7 years, I have no other health problems witch is good. I have read that the older and longer you have had this condition the less likely surgery will help you. I read a lot about pudendal nerve surgery, but it seems not many in my age category attempt it. My biggest fear is I will be worse after the surgery, and that the pain of the surgery will be to much for me to handle. I was wondering if there are any older women out there that could share there story with me? I live in Ohio. Linda