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Super hypogastric plexus ganglion impar blocks for penile pa

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:58 am
by Richard1969
I have been having fairly good success with a multiple injection approach. I do not believe I have PNE but rather PN. I say this because my pain does not appear to be as bad as many on this site. My life isn't what it use to be, but for most of it is not.

The multiple injection approach I had done was the following:

-Injections into my right piriformis muscle
-Injection into my ganglion impar
-Injection into the right Pudendal Canal

I only have two symptoms:

-Pain on right side of glans of penis with sometimes hypersensitivity
-Pain in my sacrum/coccyx on long drives or sitting on hard seats (but not always)

By the above you can tell I'm male. I have just read an article about having these two injections at the same time with good results:

Super hypogastric plexus ganglion impar blocks for penile pain

Does anyone know of any data that I may not have been able to find on the above combination of blocks?

Below is a quote:

"The benefit of superior hypogastric plexus blocks can be temporary for some patients, and every patient will experience a different level of relief. Some individuals will experience relief for weeks while others experience a reduction of pain for several years. It is a low risk, non-surgical treatment that, if successful the first time, tends to bring continual relief with multiple treatments and reduces the amount of oral medications needed for acceptable pain relief. It has also shown to be very helpful in conjunction with other nerve blocks, such as the ganglion impar block."

Re: Super hypogastric plexus ganglion impar blocks for penil

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:26 pm
by Violet M
I would be interested to know the source of the article, Richard. If you search for that article in pubmed it should show related articles on the right. Maybe you could find more articles that way if you haven't already looked in pubmed.

I haven't heard of those blocks being used together but it sounds like it could be worth a try.



Re: Super hypogastric plexus ganglion impar blocks for penil

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:12 am
by Richard1969
Okay everyone. I had the following three injections done today:

-Right side Piriformis muscle injections in 3 spots
-Ganglion Impar Block
-Superior Hypogastric Plexus block

I will be tracking my progress and reporting back the results. As always, my two and only symptoms are coccyx pain and pain on the right side of my glans.

Wish me Luck.

Re: Super hypogastric plexus ganglion impar blocks for penil

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:24 pm
by Melanie9999
Hi Richard, how did it all go?