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Will things spread ?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:59 am
by Rosemary
I have nerve irritation in one vulva - tight muscles surrounding - trigger points in Obturator Internus muscle caused by the vulva problem.
At my last pain management appointment ten days ago i was told to stop searching for answers - my latest venture into internal physio made things feel worse - options are limited here in the UK anyway.

I just wanted to ask those of you who are experienced with this if this is likely to spread further with muscle tightening further into my pelvis ? The pain consultant seemed to think not but she can't see inside my body. Things have gradually worsened over 4 years and more.I feel sure now that a branch of the pudendal nerve going into the vulva near the Bartholins gland is irritated - if i break wind the pain subsides for some reason.

My confidence is on the floor just now which i know somehow i have to pick up myself and carry on - how do any of you pull yourselves up ? At the moment life is swirling around me everyone is carrying on and my overall feeling is that i don't want to be part of any of it anymore - i'm just tuckered out. I know that i am putting a strain on my husband too.

I can put on a face in front of others to them nothing appears wrong, i can talk to thearpists and doctors but when i come away and am left with myself i am crumbling -sorry to post like this as i know that i may not be helping anyone else by doing so - in fact i am posting this now but know once i leave the computer that i have to face my own reality which i think deep down i thought i could solve until now. Have any of you got better ways of coping that helps ?

Rosemary X

Re: Will things spread ?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:54 pm
by stephanies
Hello Rosemary,

Sometimes things worsen over time, but sometimes things heal and improve over time. This seems to depend on a lot of factors, including what is the cause of your pain. As far as how to cope, I wish I knew the answer to that. Sometimes I do well for a while and other times I struggle tremendously.

My best to you,

Re: Will things spread ?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:33 am
by Violet M
Rosemary, for some people the right decision might be to stop searching for answers but to me it seems like if you still have options it might be worth trying them unless you are satisfied with the status quo - but it sounds like you aren't. Internal physio made me much worse when I tried it before surgery but it was a temporary flare-up.


Re: Will things spread ?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:00 pm
by Rosemary
Thank you for your replies Stephanies and Violet - sorry i must come across as such a wimp - i apologise i got very low the other day.

There are private doctors in London and i did enquire about going to France last year - i left it at the time but maybe i should look into it again - these are the only options now.

The extra pain from the physio has subsided somewhat but the experience left me a bit scarred. I felt that i wasn't really being listened to and for the moment i don't think i could face another 'expert' who may not take into account what i am saying.

Hope that today is a better one for both of you.

Rosemary x

Re: Will things spread ?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:04 pm
by janetm2
Hi Rosemary,
I hope you have regained some strength to move forward. You ae certainly not a wimp! With the limited medical knowlege we have an extra battle that gets us down now and again. Take care and good luck.