Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

This is where we will make important announcements, accept offers of helpful tips from members, and a place for questions and discussion regarding website and forum operations and procedures.
Our Code of Conduct is also viewable here.
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Posts: 2274
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:18 pm

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Post by mod3 »

Please read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before using this forum.

Posts: 2274
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:18 pm

Re: Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Post by mod3 »

In order to comply with certain requirements, I am reminding forum members and visitors of several items that are listed in our current terms of service/privacy policy.

This is a public forum and is therefore open to anyone to read and use your posts without registering.

You can edit your own posts but only moderators can fully delete posts. If you edit the content out of your post, there will still be a blank post that shows you posted there. (If someone quotes your post you will not be able to edit the quote. In exceptional circumstances you can contact the moderators to do so.)

The terms of service state that you agree to give references (links for example) to the health/medical information you provide when it is not personal experience. Personal experience is any symptom, test, treatment, etc. that you or a close family member have/s undergone.

(All statements about statistics, data, studies and new advancement in medicine should have trustworthy sources.)
Posts: 2274
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:18 pm

Re: Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Post by mod3 »

To all forum users:

This forum is now certified by HONcode and we ask that all forum users review the terms of use and privacy policy as they have been recently updated.


Thank you.
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